Chapter 44

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"Zayra, do you want to go home?" Harry asked, Zayra caressing her hair lightly. She was a bit tired and laying her head on Harry's shoulder. She nods but didn't speak.

It's been 24 hours since Harry got his daughter back, he was happy. Happy to have her in his arms, safely and securely but he was worried to first his lover was in ICU doctors where injecting blood in his body, and seconds his daughter Zayra she hasn't spoken a word since she met Harry and he needs to apologize to Louis too . he hasn't seen him and it's been 2 hours since he showed up his face.

Harry looked around himself to see that his friends were a mess. It was around midnight but there was no sign of sleep in Harry's eyes. Liam was standing near the door with half-open eyes. Joshua was sitting with Sara on his lap while Niall was half pass out on the chair but still, there was no sign of his boobare.

He knows that the day was tiring and they all are exhausted, Harry insisted his friends to have some rest but they refuse to leave him alone. Harry thanked them all for what they were doing for him and his daughter.

After a long wait of 2 hours which feels like 2 years to Harry, Mrs. Martinez. comes out of the operation room and pulled her glows out of her hand. Harry jumped from his seat and walked to her.

"How is he?" He asked worried too much, his friends were wide awake now. They all gathered around them.

"Well, yeah he is alright now. We injected the blood in his body and we stitched his cut. He has a plaster on his shoulder and a good new for you all. He can wake up any minute now!" She said with a smile and excused herself.

Harry smiled mumbling a "Thank you" to her and petting his daughter's head. He looked at his friends and they all smiled back at him. "I will call Louis!" Liam said and called Louis to the great news when he was done informing him. He walked back to the crew.

"He is coming!" Liam told everyone and gestures, Harry, to hand him Zayra. "Let me take her your hands might be numb?" Liam asked and Harry looks at his daughter's innocent face and then at Liam. He kissed her forehead and give Zayra to Liam.

Louis entered the hallway with messy hairs and an exhausted looking face. He looked like a car run over him. He stands a few feet away from everyone. When Liam spotted him he smiled at him and Louis gives him a smile back.

Liam turns to Harry to see he was already looking at Louis. Liam puts his hand on Harry's shoulder and nods at him encouraging him to go and talk to his boobare.

He took some hesitating steps towards Louis who was looking down at his shoes and when Harry was an arms reach Louis look up at him but quickly turn his face when he saw it was Harry.

Louis straightens up and turns to leave but Harry's words interrupted him. "Ain't you going to forgive your Hazza, Boobare?" He said, almost whispered with teary-eyes. Trying really hard to control his tears in his eyes.

Louis looked up at Harry's face to look at his helplessness. Harry gave him a broke dimpled smile, walking towards him. "I am sorry " he mumbles looking down at his shoes. "For everything!"

Louis wasn't in a good state too he was helpless too. He had questions that are still unanswered. So, he swallows a big lamb I'm his throat.

"Why should I forgive you? Who are you to me?" Louis asked, with tears in his own eyes. He was biting his lips to stop himself from sobbing in front of everyone. "You left me without even saying a word? Was it my fault? wasn't I there for you when you needed me? Why didn't you trust me?" Louis asked almost letting a sob to escape but he bit his lip to stop it from escaping.


Boobear is hurt, guys!! 😭

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