Chapter 11

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"Gemma!! What should I do now?" Harry asked as tears roll down his cheeks.

" Harry calm down you know crying is not a solution!! We need to think about something!! Soon" Gemma explained.

" Harry we still have 25 days. Till he kills Zayra or harms her!!" Gemma informed him and let a breath out. She didn't hear anything from Harry other than his breath with a muffled.

" Harry you there?" She asked hoping he is still hearing to her.

" Yeah!! I am" Harry said in a really low and a broken voice.

" Harry listen to me!! Luke is a drug dealer and he is going to use Zayra as a prostitute. He was about to contact the other father of Zayra for money but he didn't and change the plan. Now he is going to sell Zayra to some other Mafia who is going to use her as a prostitute. we only have 25 days to save her because if the ship once left the land we will....." Gemma stopped and close her eyes to let the tears fall from her eyes.

"We will.?." Harry asked getting impatient.

" we will never be able to find her ever again" gemma complete her sentence.

Harry took a deep breath and let his tears fall from his eyes. " Gemma!! What should I do? I asked each and everyone in this town but they said that they never saw her or she never existed according to them"

" Harry!! No one is going to open their mouth against him and he threatened everyone. So, we can't expect help from them. " Gemma confirmed.

" Harry you know whom to call and ask for help. Anyway, remember me harry I love you and zayra and mom love you too. Goodbye," Gemma said with a sob escaped her mouth.

"Gemma is everything all right, why are talking like we are talking for the last time!!" Harry said wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

" Harry doesn't call me after this because they are coming for me. My phone is already being track and He already killed mom and now he is going to kill me but please save zayra she is to small for all this shit. " Gemma said with full-on crying while talking to her brother for the last time.

Harry knows gemma did some dead's to get the information but if her phone is getting track that means luke know that Harry knows about his plan.

" Harry!! I love--ahhhhhhhh" gemma said the last word before the line wants dead.

" Gemma, Gemma " Harry tried to call again but the phone was switched off after a few minutes he gets a call from a different number. He answered the phone with a shaky breath. " H-Hello"

"Too much information ain't it?" It's luke. He sinfully laughs at harry. " So, now you know that it's me. Let's see how you gonna find your daughter. I am giving you full power to do whatever you wanna do. But You only have 25 days Harry!! Hurry up. Either she will be with you or with that guy who gonna rape your daughter and use her for his own purpose. " luke clarified.

" Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to my daughter? If you wanna do something then do it to me but please leave her!! I beg you " Harry begged as tears roll down from his cheeks.

" It's not you Harry it's your lover!! Ask him!! Ask him why I am doing this!!" And with that luke cut the call.

Harry falls on his knees while cupping his own head in his hands. Tears rolling down his cheeks with an uneven breath.

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