Chapter 19

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" What?" Zayn voice echoed through the room. Everyone was looking at Sara.

" Yeah, zayn it's true, Yaser and James both of them were friends and both wanted to rule England. They both did, they both ruled England, they were the Rowdy of that time everyone fears them. They have a special bond between them, that no one can break but when James proposed to sell children to have more money. Your father didn't agree with him because he was against taking a child away from his family but James he was thinking that it was a master plan and no one can come between this. Yaser tried to stop him but he didn't listen to him and threaten to harm you. Zayn, he said that if yaser try to stop him then he will harm you. So, yaser sends you away when you were 10 remember.  Then James wants solo. He thought he can handle the business by himself. Then yaser and James both become enemies. In the end, when James didn't stop your father file a case against him, yaser clear his name, he presses all the charges against James, who ended up in prisoners for a lifetime. " Sara said in one breath.

"That means the story was more in that girl case!!" Liam said cutting the tension with his words.

" I can't believe this my father use to say he work in a company, I never knew he was lying to me all the years," Zayn said cupping his head in his own hands. Harry put a hand on his shoulder in a  comfortable way.

" That doesn't matter anymore, zayn he is dead now. He did this only for you. Now don't hold any bad blood against your father." Liam said in understanding.

Zayn nods and turns to Louis and Niall for their part of the information. Liam and Niall nod at each other and stand on their spot. Niall walked near the project and started playing a slide which shows Luke's pictures and much more.

(Niall) (Louis)

" So, ladies and gentlemen. His full name is Luke hemming as you all know. He was born in Sydney, Australia" 

" He is 25 Years old and is the leader of England mafia. He rules over the mafia world "

" He married Harry two years back for his own reasons. They both have a daughter named zayra."

" Before marring you Harry he already had a wife and a son. His wife name is Sofia and Son name is Austin"

"Now his wife lives in Australia with his son and his wife is a doctor and his son is only 7 years old. "

"They both never had a divorce which means his marriage with harry is illegal. He was staking harry even before he knows!! "

"His wife left him because she wanted a normal life for her son. So, she lifted him. By the way, we are not confirm about it "

" He took Zayra with him on the day harry had a car accident, and by our resources, we got to know that, the car accidents was a planned by him"

" Thank you, gentlemen, that's it. It's the only information we have " They both high five each other and return back to their respective seats.

" Well, that was amazing but how did you get all this information, " Liam asked with a smile on his face.

" Not, only Joshua but we do have some contact in the mafia and even in the underworld and we have really important information to share with you guys " Louis stated with a chuckle but in the end, his face turns serious. He looked at Niall and they both nods at each other once more.

Niall pulls out a picture from his back pocket and places it on the table. " He is the one who, luke is going to sell  Zayra."


I never thought this story was going to have this much part because as much as I can remember, it was quick though, of night time but here we are!! Enjoy!!

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