Chapter 35

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Few hours before the deal.

It was correct 6:00 clock in the morning when Joshua arrived at Zayn's mansion. Zayn was still in his office room looking at Zayra's picture and talking to himself.

Joshua hurries to his office, Zayn looked at him confused and checked his watch to see that they still have some time for the meeting. Joshua was out of breath when he approached Zayn. Zayn raises his eyebrow at him in a way to ask "what happen?"

" their team member," Joshua said between his panting. Zayn eyes went wide and he bangs his hand on the table while standing on his feet.

" WHAT?" Zayn shouted and called his friends to come to the mansion as soon as possible. They didn't ask anything and hurried towards Zayn's mansion. After waiting for 15 minutes his friends arrived. They all were in their PG's. The first thing they notice was Joshua was taking a deep breath and Zayn was fuming in anger.

Niall walked to him and gently rub his back." What happened?" Louis asked while they all sit on their seats.

"Lads, George is Luke's members. He was working for him and was giving all regarding information to Luke about Zayn." Joshua answer with a sad look in his eyes.

" What George? You mean Zayn's Modest men?" Liam asked in shock and Joshua nods. Suddenly Louis got all quiet and looked at Zayn.

"He is right. Zayn do you remember George was the one who suggested you to date Gigi and not publicly announces your relationship with Harry" Louis asked again joining dots to dots.

"Shit that's sick!" Niall yells "And do you guys remember that he was missing when Harry was in the hospital." Well, he still is. Niall said and looked at everyone.

" Yeah, and how he behaved when we told him about Zayra is Zayn's daughter," Liam complete the sentence, Zayn took his head in his hands.

"How can I not see that. How can I be so oblivious to all this? How can I do such a big mistake? It was all planned for the start. We did what he wanted and fell in his trap. I could have saved my family if I was convinced in my self. I still remember Harry was pleading to me about not to date Gigi for Pr stun but I didn't listen to him and shit. I hate my self." He was shaking and sobbing in his hands not caring about who was looking at him. " I failed as a boyfriend and a father. It's all my fault." He added, sadly.

" Zayn, man calm down. It's not your fault. It's him who is wrong. You are just a victim to him and today we are going to get our Zayra back from him. At whatever coast we have to pay. We will get her back" Louis said, squeezing his shoulder in comfort.

Liam, Joshua, and Niall shared a look and said " Yeah!! At whatever cost we have to pay. We will get our little princess back from him" Joshua said proudly.

Zayn nods and whipped his tears taking Zayra's picture from the table where he was admiring it before.

"I am coming baby. Baba is coming"

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