Chapter 22

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Zayn was standing in the middle of the hospital hallway. Tears in his eyes and his handshaking. His mind was still processing what just happen all of a sudden.

The love of his life was in the ICU fighting for his life. He just got to know that he had a daughter, he is a father but she is in danger and he only has 22 days to save her.

Then his mind replaced what earlier happened that day when harry left him.

"Zee!! Can you please come early today. I wanna talk to you about something really important. I am so happy today." Harry said through the phone giggling playfully.

"Baby I want to come to but there is this party in my office, it really important and I need to attend it. so, I am sorry I can't come early today. Can it wait until tomorrow?" Zayn said sadly just wanted to hold his baby in his arms.

" Ok bye," Harry said, pouting not wanted to sleep alone in bed today.

" I am sorry, baby you know if it wasn't important I wasn't have gone. I love you " Zayn said, hating to make his baby pout.

" I love you too zee!!" Harry let out, smiling a little knowing zayn love him and now how much zayn wise that he should have listened to Harry.

Tears roll down from zayn's eyes. He falls on his knees. Louis walked towards him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

" Zayn he is going to be ok and we will find zayra!" Louis said not sure of his own words. Zayn hugs Louis and cried on his shoulder.

" L-Louis, did you h-heard him. He said zayra is my daughter I am her baba. I have a daughter, my d-daughter, my baby. H-How can he do that? he takes away my daughter from me. He put her life in danger. He tries to take his own life. He didn't even think about me for once. Didn't he love me lou?  If something happened to both of them I will never be able to live. I will die with them lou. " zayn rumble on Louis's shoulder. Wetting his t-shirt with his tears. Louis gently rubs his back trying to calm him down.

"I heard it. I told you before. See she really is your daughter. We will find her and harry is going to be ok too." Louis explained still rubbing his back.

"He might have difficulty or something that's why he did what he did. Give him a chance to explain. Yeah?" Louis added, pulling zayn up with him and sit him on one of the chairs in the waiting room.

Liam gives him a bottle of water and sit next to him. Zayn put his head on Liam's shoulder and let his tears fall freely again. Niall smile at him sadly.

" Zayn, be strong for them. We have to find zayra in only 22 days. Please!! Contain yourself." Niall said. Joshua and Sara were also their they both nod at zayn and zayn nod back at them.

"George and javaad left to get some more information about luke" Sara informed and zayn nod.

After one and a half hours later the doctor walked out of the operation room. " Family of Mr. Styles," Doctor asked..

Zayn runs to him" We are. Is he ok? Is he going to be fine? Can we meet him?" Zayn grumbled questions.

" Sorry, We can't save him," Docter declared sadly. Crushing all the thought in Zayn's mind making him miserable.


I am sorry for my behavior!!

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