Chapter 12

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Harry walked home with a heavy heart. He knows that it's his fault that now his daughter is in danger. He shouldn't have married this monster. So, his daughter would have been safe but now because of him, his daughter is going to become a prostitute.

" No!! No!! I can't let that happen!! I will save her!! Whatever cost I have to pay but I am going to save her" Harry mumble to himself and the first thing he did was destroying the camera in the living room with a baseball bat.

He sits on his couch for a few minutes and tears rolling down his cheeks. He wipes his cheeks with the back of his hand.

There was a mental battle going in his mind telling him that should he call that person or not. He too has the right to know about his daughter but what if he is not ready to take care of his daughter? and what if he doesn't want to accept Zayra? What if he doesn't want to do anything with Harry or zayra? And what if he is happy in his life but harry knows only he is the one who can help him.

Only one person can answer his question and who is zayra's second biological father. He was nervous and his anxiety was kicking in him telling me not to hope for anything. He knows he can't lose faith in God and he knows that God will help him. His daughter will be again in his arms but he has to wait but he doesn't have much time for that.

Harry took his laptop and goggles his location on the Internet. A few seconds later he gets his answers. Maybe this time his faith was on his side that the person he is trying to find is in the same town as him.

He took his phone in his shaky hands and scroll through his contact list for that particular person. Who he loves the most!! For whom he is willingly ready to die!! He is ready to beg that one person at all costs to help him out!! To tell him how much he loves him!! How much he missed him in these past years!! How much Harry is sorry for his stupid act of leaving him.

He unblocks that number form his blacklist. Even his phone miss his calls. He dialled the number but he didn't answer.

He tried again and this time a girl answered the phone. " Hello, who's this?" She asked.

Harry frown" I want to talk--" He said.

" Baby!! There is a call for you!!" Harry heard her shouting on the other end. "Coming, babes" the very familiar voice which music to his ear.

Babes? Does he have a girlfriend? He moves on from me? Is he married? What if he is happy in his life? And he doesn't want to do anything with me and zayra? Or what if he wants zayra and took her away from me?

" Hello!! Who's this?" He spoke on the phone with a very raspy voice.

Harry wiped his tears with the palm  of his hand." I want to meet you !! I will text you detail!! I hope you will come!! " Harry said in an emotionless voice and hang up the phone.

If he is happy in his life? Then who am I to the that away from him!! I will only ask for his help and that's it!! After I get my daughter back I will leave him!! He can have his life happily like it was before I called him.

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