Chapter 34

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A night before the deal.

"Hear me out, guys. Tomorrow we have to execute our plan" Zayn said, banging his hands on the table and glancing at his friends. They all were in Zayn's mansion office discussing their plan for tomorrow.

"We only have one chance and we can't miss it. I want my daughter in my arms tomorrow night. is that clear to you all?" Zayn said in a strict tone glaring at each and everyone in the room. The atmosphere in the room was really tense. Everyone just salutes to him.

Zayn nods and Joshua stand to explain the plan to everyone. "So, lads we only going to get one chance to save zayra from there and it is when they all are going to be in after party of the deal."

" How are we going to enter the warehouse?" Liam asked and Niall and Louis nod at him and gestures Joshua to explain.

"We will enter the warehouse from the back door because that side of the warehouse contains few guards. We have to knock them out and then move further in. One of us is going to wait for us there so that when Luke comes or anyone comes they can alarm us. Then only 4 of us going further. Ok?" Joshua replied and waited for everyone to understand his statement.

" Next we have to go upwards that means the second floor to find out in which room they have kept zayra. Once we find that 2 of us are going to take Zayra out of there safely and the 2 of us are going to stay behind so we can know that all of us are safe or not and find some evidence related to him which we can use against him. " Joshua told and sit back on his seat.

" How do you know that the party is on the second floor?" Louis asked suspiciously. Joshua gives him a disgusting look but smirked and pulled a card from his back pocket and placed it on the table.

The 3 of them looked at the card and gasp realizing that it was an invitation card for luke's after-party. " How do you get that?" Liam asked interrogation the card.

"One of my friends got a card. So, he asked me to join him there but then I told him about my problem. So he let me have the card. This card contains all the main information, like where the party is going to be held and when it's going to start." Joshua announced proudly.

Louis, Niall, and Liam smiled at him proudly and then turn to zayn for any sort of reaction but zayn just liked at them with an emotionless expression and left the mansion.

It's not like he doesn't care about his friends or is not proud of Joshua. It's just he is more worried about his sleeping beauty who hasn't walked up from his sleep. It's almost been 2, weeks and Zayn is going crazy.

He drives to the hospital and is situated near Harry slowly holding his hand and kissing his ankles and then his forehead. He missed him a lot.

Zayn let his few tears fall" Jaan, please wake up. You know it's been a hell of a 2 week without you. I just got you back but not at the same time. You know you can take your time, I know you will be mine. Tomorrow finally I am going to get my daughter back from him. Wake up meri Jaan so we can have our happily ever after"


Huh! Huh!! What do you think about what is going to happen next? Thank you for reading this far!!

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