Chapter 29

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"Joshua" zayn mumbled to himself.  He tried to head their conversation, what they were talking about.

"Shut up you bitch. Or I will kill you!!" Javaad shouted and slapping Joshua across the face.

"Kill me, I don't care. Why are you doing this? If you have guts then fight with me. You Coward, " Joshua split on javaad face, smirking at his work.

Zayn was looking around the room to see an escape. So, he can help Joshua. There was a window in the room and nothing else.

Javaad slapped Joshua and tightened his grip on Joshua's neck. Joshua was having difficulty in breathing and tears were rolling down from his cheeks, in his whole life Joshua never felt this helpless his hands we're tiered to chairs and his legs too. He was struggling with the ropes but as much as he struggles the grip of ropes on his wrists gets tight.

Zayn was finding for a stick or anything he can find in this place but there was nothing. He grabs his hair in frustration and yanks them tightly to think of something. All of a sudden his eyes landed on the rod that was laying across the room and the problem was if he wants to go and grab it he has to pass by the door and it has a heavy chance they will him.

He thinks for anything else but nothing come in his mind, suddenly  Joshua's sob brings him back to the reality that it's" now or never" He took a deep breath and quickly pass by the door. So, they wouldn't see him. Just as he was about to lift the road from the ground his phone started ringing. He cured the caller and hide behind a wooden door. He heard the footsteps coming in his way and he knows they know he is here.

He closes his eyes and waited for someone to approach him but the footsteps fade after a few minutes and he let a sigh of relief. He waited a few more minutes and looked at the rod that it was still on its place.

Just as he grabbed the rod someone else grabs his hand and punch in his guts. He gasps in pain and looked at the person. He was the same man who was with javaad a few minutes ago. He tried to punch again but this time zayn blocks his punch and pushes him away from himself. Zayn punches him on the face and he stumbled a little but contain himself.

He looked at zayn and zayn punch him again and again in the face. The men fall on the ground and zayn sits on his chest to draw blood from his mouth by punching and slapping him across the face until he falls unconscious. Suddenly someone kicked his shoulder and he falls on the ground with a loud scream.

He knows it was javaad who kicked him and his shoulder hurt like a bitch. He rubs his shoulder but javaad sits on his chest and punches him across the face and in one punch blood was coming out of his mouth.

He felt his head heavy and the last thing he remembers before going into the unconsciousness was someone was pulling Javaad away from him and yellowing his name but he couldn't bring himself to reply.


Do you think zayn is going to die? Ok, you can save zayn if you all pray for him. If your prayer has real love he will be ok but if not then I can't say anything!!

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