Chapter 48

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<{On the same day when Zayn was the shot}>

Zayn groans and his friends screamed " ZAYN!!!" when he was able to turn around to see who shot him. He gasped, what else can he expect to form him. Mumble his name before driving to unconsciousness.


Zayra was still in Zayn's arms. His vision was getting blurry minute by minute, he holds his daughter tightly to his chest. His friends run after George to catch him before he runs away.

Louis's arm was hurt and he couldn't move, he passes out on the passenger seat because of the shot in his shoulder. Liam, Niall, and Joshua run after George who tried to escape. George was trying to shot them too but Niall and Liam gripped his hand while Joshua punches in his stomach.

Zayn took some slow steps towards there car holding Zayra tightly not letting her fall from his grip. Darkness was taking over him slowly bit by bit. He opens the door and he saw darkness his eyes getting heavy second by second.

He knows he can collapse to the floor any second now but he wants his daughter to be save first. So, he forces his eyes open and blinks them rapidly, feeling hard to open them.

He put Zayra in the car's back seat and just when he lay her in the seat. She wakes up and Zayn lazily smiled at his daughter. She smiled back at him and he collapses on the road outside of the car. When Zayra saw him fall. She panics and started to shake him, not speaking a word.

He didn't reply and tears started to gather in her eyes. Her small figure was shaking when she saw blood coming out of Zayn's body. Niall approached them first when he saw Zayra crying.

Joshua and Liam both hostage George and just then the cops showed up. They arrested George and Luke. First, they didn't arrest Luke and tried to help him escape, Joshua saw that and Liam shot the video. How they were trying to help Luke to escape.

Liam shows the recording to them and they unwanted-ly have to arrest him. When Luke was arrested they all took Zayn and Louis to the hospital.

Zayra was sitting in the back curl up in a ball, looking at Zayn with tears in her eyes. Liam glance at her and tried to help her through this trauma.

"Zayra, please stop crying. You are safe now. We saved you and now you going to meet your daddy!" Liam talked to her in a childish voice. Zayra nods when she heard about her dada but then she turns to Zayn. She didn't say anything but Liam got it what she has to say.

"He is going to be alright. Zayra is going to pray from him. Right? He saved you Zayra!" Niall said looking at Liam and Zayra. Zayra nods and holds Zayn hand in her own hands.

After five minutes they arrived at the hospital and Zayn was taken to the emergency while Louis was not in that bad condition. He just passes out because If the gun powder on his body and cast to support him. Joshua, Liam, Niall, and Zayra doctors took care of them too.

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