Chapter 26

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Special and massive thanks to my friends MaryamyBR, Davin40, DiuLoves, Dianaaaaaaaxx, Rrrrrrrrrhhh ,@DipaliDas068.  !!!!! For voting and giving me feedback on this book and each and every silent reader to, I don't personally know about you but I know you are amazing, who has given my book a chance and reading it this far. Thank you!!!  It means a really lot to me and thank you for joining zarry on the trip to find their daughter let's hope they find their daughter soon.

Harry: Thank you for joining us!

Author: Did I tell you to talk, Harold? Go back to your room, now!!

Zayn: Hey!! Don't you dare talk to my baby like that, I will murder you!!

Author: Shut up zayn!! I don't care I am the boss here!! I will talk to him however I want to.

Zayn: First of all I am not wearing a shirt. So, I can't shirt up and he is my baby. You will not talk to him like that or believe me I will bring a hammer and a knife. And you won't believe I will use them both. Fuck off.

Author: whatever!!

So, back to my speech!! Thank you for 1k+ views and 130+ votes and my this book has the most comments on it out of all my books!!. So, thanks for that too. Enjoy the Chapter sexy!!! Hope you have a great day!!🙏


22 Days left to find zayra.

Zayn was back in his mansion for a short period of time to freshen up and put some food in his system to keep working. So, he can find his daughter soon. Zayn took his seat and the murmuring in the room died down and everyone's face turns serious.

Sara was the first one to break the silence in the room with her high pitch voice." How is Harry now?" She asked politely with sad eyes.

" He is ok, Deep in sleep," Zayn said and looked at George and Javaad.  They both were in the room and they didn't ask for Harry's well-being even for once.

Zayn took a deep breath and think to break the good news to everyone a small smile crept on his face" Ummm. Zayra is my daughter!" Zayn announced proudly and felt really good from inside.

Everyone smile at him and congrats him. " I told you she looks a lot like you," Sara said with a small smile, teasing zayn a little bit.

" Even Louis said but he just doesn't hear anyone," Liam said with a chuckle and looked at George and Javaad. Who looked like they saw a ghost.

"What happen to you two?" Liam asked and everyone turns in their direction. Joshua frowned and motion zayn that something is suspicious. Zayn nods at him and turns to the two suspicious people in the room.

Zayn raises an eyebrow at them and gestures them to say something. " It's.... not... Like..that-- we are happy for you but who told you that." George asked straight forward a bit roughly.

Zayn frown but didn't reply because he knows he doesn't need to tell someone, who told him or not. He knew something is wrong with them.

"Why does it matter to you?" Joshua interrupted bitterly, glaring at George.
Javaad murmured something under his breath but they didn't hear it.

George shrugged it off " Whatever, " he rolled his eyes and nod at javaad which didn't get unnoticed by Joshua.

"So, guys, let's focus on our plan. Joshua are you really to go in that mafia world. If you want to back out you can, we will send George. What do you say?" Javaad said, confidently, smirked at Joshua.

Joshua frown" I am ready to go. You don't have to care about me" smirking back at javaad. Joshua knows that javaad and George both of them are up to something. He nods at them and turns back to look at Niam, Louis, and Sara to see they all look at them.

" Ok, Joshua tomorrow you will go to their warehouses and join them. try to gain there trust and find some information for us. Meet me outside" Zayn said, and signal him to meet him outside and dismissed everyone else.

"What do you think about George and javaad?" Zayn asked stepping outside of the mansion to the parking lot and light up his cigarette.

"I think there is something fishy about them, both of them are up to something. Don't you notice how they reacted when you told them that zayra is your daughter and yesterday they both were missing? I even tried their phone but they didn't answer." Joshua let out and sign in relief. Zayn nods at him and blows the smoke in the sky.

" Keep an eye on both of them and don't tell about them to anyone. We will handle them ourselves!" Zayn said he knows he can trust Joshua with anything because he is the most loyal person he has ever met. He crushed the cigarette under his feet and step in his car to drive off to the hospital, to meet his sleeping beauty, his Harry, the best part of the day.

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