Chapter 49

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A day before Zayra's birthday.

They were standing in front of the Court. Zayn and Harry holding hands while Zayra in Zayn's one hand. They look like a perfect family that you can look after. They still need to tell Zayra that Zayn is her second Dad.

Their squad was standing with them outside of the court for there emotional and physical support. Today was the first hearing of there case and as simple as it looks they expect it to be that simple because they have some solid proofs against Luke right now.

Their lawyer Alex black comes to the to inform that now its there turn to enter the court. They all took their respective seats and the judgment of court started. Harry was holding Zayn hands while Zayra was clinching on Zayn with her dear life. She was scared looking at everyone's serious face. She knows that something bad is going to happen.

"Ladies and gentlemen and my respective court, today we are here to investigate on the case of International Criminal Luke Hennings. He sells drugs in the market and he is the mafia leader of England. Nowadays he started kidnapping small children and one of them happens to be Zayra my client's daughter. We accused him of physical and mental harassment towards this small child. He was about to sell her to Simon Cowell and our respect cops arrested him too. And I would like to show you some evidence? " Alex Black said his speech and handed the videos to the judge.

Time fast-forward to judgment.

"After hearing and seeing all the evidence. This court found Luke hemmings guilty. He is going to spend the rest of his life as a prisoner. And the court is dismissed." The judge hit his gavel on the desk three times and everyone left the court.

Harry and Zayn left with a smile on there face. Liam, Niall hug them. Louis and Sara congratulated them and Joshua took Zayra in his hands. She happily comes to him and wrapped her hands around his neck. He secretly gives her candies and she giggles and took it.

Harry and Zayn both interlocked there fingers looking into each other eyes, smiling like two fools. Zayra looks at them with candies, in her mouth, she smiled at them, still in Joshua's arm.

She swallowed her candies and made grabby hands towards Zayn. In just less than a day they both have grown closer. She calls him her superhero and he calls her his Princess.

Zayn and Harry both started to lean in just when their lips were about to touch, Zayn shouted "Superhero" Looking at Zayn with a little pout.

"Princess!!" He mocked her voice and took her from Joshua. Zayn winked at Harry and Zayra giggle. Harry looked away blushing red. They all laughed and Zayra kissed Zayn's cheek.

Zayn whipped a little stain of chocolate from her lips and mumble an "oops" Zayn raised his eyebrow.
"Chocolate? What do I tell about chocolates?" He asked with a serious tone.

"They, are, not, good, for, teeth," She whispered slowly in her small soft voice, just like how Harry talks.

Zayn smiled" yeah! That's correct!" He pouts just like her and she frowned a little looking cute as ever. "Superman mad!" She asked, holding Zayn's face in her hands.

Zayn smiles and kisses her cheeks "No princess, how can Superman be mad at his Princess. I love you, baby!"

"I love you too superman!" She said with a kiss on his cheek. They all laughed at how cute Zayra is and Zayra giggle with them.

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