Chapter 20

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" What's his name?" Zayn asked picking up the picture in his hand.

" Simon, Simon Cowell" Niall said pointing to the picture.

Zayn nods and turns to Joshua for the last part of the information and the most important one. Joshua nods and starts his information.

" The meeting is going to held in Bradford Beck is a river that flows through Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, all the container in which children are going to be in. Will be sent the next day through the riverway. " Joshua said in one breath. He looks at zayn then at Harry for there reaction.

Zayn lets a sign-out and turns to javaad who is listening to all this very calmly and even making some notes for gods know what for.

" Do you have any plan? What we should do next?" Zayn asked massaging his forehead with his thumb and forefinger.

" Well hear me out. I do have a plan but it's a bit risky. " Javad said a bit nervously, bit his lower lip.

" What is it?" Zayn nods and everyone approved him to continue.

" We know where the meeting is going to happen but we still don't know where he had put the children's rights. We need to find that place and take them out of there in just 23 days as you all tell me." Joshua state very confidently looking at everyone.

" So, what do you want us to do?" Zayn asked a bit confused.

" I'm saying. We will send our one men from our team in their mafia world and tell him to collect some specific information for us. " Joshua said with a bit nervous he knows it's risky and they will never agree on this but it's the last hope for them.

There was dead silence in the room Everyone was silent, everyone head was down like they all were in a deep though thinking about something really important.

Suddenly a weak voice ecoded through the room, it might have want unnoticed but the room was dead silent. So, it didn't get unnoticed " I will go " Everyone was looking at the source of voice where did it come from and it was Harry who agrees with the plan.

Everyone looked at Harry then at Zayn. Zayn looked at Harry dumbfounded and lift his eyebrow at him " What!!"

" I said I will go to save my daughter!!" Harry said standing up from his seat, frustrated at Zayn's sudden change of behavior.

" No, you will not!" Zayn fire back at him and told him to sit in his place.

" No, I will. You all did enough for me and it means a lot to me. I can't let anyone life get in trouble for my mess" Harry stated with his head low, ashamed of himself.

" No, you are not! Now go to your room." Zayn said in a rough tone making Harry flinch.

" No, I-I am not g-going anywhere" Harry replied with tears in his eyes

" In. your. room. now. !!" Zayn said with gritted teeth not looking at Harry.

Harry run out of the room to his room and locked the door, letting his tears fall freely. He knows no one is going to risk their life for his daughter but if they did, he doesn't want anyone to risk their life for his daughter because if they die, Harry will never be able to live with that burden.

He sits on the floor, hugging his knees, his head on his knees, and tears falling from his eyes rapidly cursing himself.

I shouldn't have married Luke. It's all my fault. Why am I so stubborn? Why didn't I listen to my mom? She died just because of me. My sister died just because of me. I am cursed, I bought no happiness to anyone just pain and hurt. I should die!!


Why do we trust someone so easily become we are just some fucked up bitches because all they want from you is gossip? Which they can talk with their best friend. How stupid can we be.. No level for that. Because you are just desperate to have someone. Just stop it you bitch. You don't deserve anyone love. Fuck off.

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