Chapter 37

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"Zayra" Zayn called for her and she looked up from her lap. She looked at Zayn with tears in her eyes and sadness in her heart. Zayn's heart broke when he saw his own daughter flinched from his touch and voice.

She moved away from him and started rumbling. "P-Please.....Sorry....." Tears started to fall from her eyes and she started to cuddle the wall next to her, griping her own dress to cover herself. Her whole body was covered in black and blue brushes.

Tears started to gather in Zayn's eyes too. He whipped his own tears and walked further in her direction. "P-Princess," Zayn said with unsure of his own words.

"D-Don't.......c-call.......m-e.....t-t-that. I-I......s-sorry.....r-really......a-m" She said with pleading eyes and Zayn let his own tears fall. Zayn holds his hands up in surrender and then walked to her.

"Baby, I am here to save you. your daddy sends me to save you. Harry, daddy" He swallowed thickly and sweet started to form on his forehead. Her eyes light up and she looked at Zayn with hope.

"Dada?" She whispered and whipped her tears with her hand. Zayn nods and opens his arms for her. She looked at him confused and frowned.

Zayn chuckled and walked towards her this time she didn't move backward. He smiled and took her in his own arms. He whipped her tears and walked out of the room just to get bumped into Luke.

Luke was sitting on a wooden chair and Zayra let a whimper leave her lips while in Zayn's arms. Luke smirked and glared at Zayra she started to struggle in Zayn's arms and Zayn frown. "What are you doing baby?"

"He..w-will h-hit m-me i-if i-i l-leave w-with you," she said in a broken voice. Zayn griped on her tightly but not too tightly.

"I am going to save you no matter what ok!!" Zayn said in her ear and looked around to see his friends were hostage by Luke. They all mouthed sorry and zayn let out a sigh. He looked around again to see Louis was missing. He internally smiled and looked at Luke.

"Well, Well who we have here. Oh yeah, pathetic Malik. Hmm So, finally you found your daughter. Huh?, finally you saw your daughter for the first time....... or should I say for the last time too." Luke state with an amused, smile.

"What the fuck you want?" Zayn shouted at him and rubbed Zayra's back gently.

"Your daughter just like your dad took my dad. I want your daughter. You should also know how it feels to lose your family." Luke said with a range. Zayn looked down and didn't say a word in reply. Luke chuckled bitterly.

"You know how hard I tried to keep you and your lover away from each other. Uff. Clingy and shit you guys were. Well, you deserve to know how I destroyed your life after all you going to die tonight. So it all started when you remember when you, begin your career and George your modest man. Yes, you get it correct he was my man. He did what I told him to do. He helped me broke you both and yeah it was my idea. Remember Gigi she was my girl too, she did what I told her to do. Then I work hard to win your lover's trust. You know he even gives your daughter my name."Luke confessed and laughter bitterly at Zayn. Zayn looked down and gently rub Zayra's back.


Sorry, I know the confession is not that good sorry for that. I am just not getting any idea right now. But hope you enjoyed it?

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