The chasm

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For Tris training was a blur, but she managed to get better slowly.

They had actually wanted to play a wargame, or something like that, in the first stage but then decided it would be better if they waited a little longer.

Tris had managed to get to place five and she noticed that others were resenting her for it.

Nobody ever threatened her but the looks she was given were sometimes anything but pleasant.

One night she was walking back towards the dorms when she felt people grab her and drag her towards the chasm.

Although she did her best to free herself, there were four masked males holding her, so she had no chance.

They were about to push her when she heard a loud shout

"Hey" someone snapped before punching two guys off Tris.

The other person quickly fought off her attackers but got punched in the temple.

Tris managed to pull off the mask from the person in front of her but gasped as soon as she saw Al's face.

While she was totally confused the other Dauntless had beat all the attackers and Tris finally saw who had helped her.

"Silver?" She gasped shocked.

"Are you okay?" Silver asked.

Tris nodded weekly but started to feel a little dizzy.

"Come one..we'll deal with these idiots tomorrow" Silver then lead Tris away and through the maze of tunnels.

After a few minutes walk, they finally arrived at a door, to what Tris assumed was Silvers room.

Silver opened the door and gestured Tris inside. She couldn't stop the gasp from escaping her lips when she saw the apartment.

It was huge and had an amazing view. Tris had been in Fours room once to get some papers with him but his room looked like the dorms compared to this one.

How an earth did Silver get this kind of apartment. I mean sure she was with Eric but no way was she able to pay the rent for something this exclusive.

Tris was still shocked by the night's events so she didn't complain when Silver cleaned her hands and gave her a new shirt. Silver also had a nasty gash on her temple, that made Tris feel bad as it was her fault she got hurt.

"I'll just get some pain killers, be back in a sec," Silver said before walking to what Tris assumed was the bathroom.

Suddenly the door to the apartment opened and Eric walked in. As soon as he saw Tris his face morphed into anger.

"What are you doing here" he snapped and Tris paled.

That made sense. Silver shared a room with Eric, together they could easily afford the rent. This looked very bad. She was in the leader's room, who hated her already.

It only got worse when Silver came back, Eric immediately saw her wound and glared holes into Tris.

"What the hell are you doing here initiate" he bellowed, walking toward Silver and carefully taking her face into his hands.

The tilted her head and frowned when he saw her wound.

"She got attacked at the chasm by four other initiates. I saved her from being pushed off. I put trackers on the attackers and I know the name of the one who punched me" Silver said trying to soothe Eric, who was about to dangle Tris out of the window.

"Leave" he sneered at Tris. She scrambled up and left quickly taking the pill from Silver.

"I'm going to kill them" Eric growled as soon as she had left. Giving Silver a light kiss.

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