Past: A midnight kiss

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Silver followed two initiates that were helping Alec to the infirmary as Eric insisted they checked her out as well.

She got released with only a blue bruise on her neck when she saw Eric leaning on the opposite wall.

"Are you okay?" he asked coming closer to her slowly as if he didn't want to scare her.

He gently touched the bruise on her neck, she flinched slightly at the contact before answering him.

" looks worse then it is," she said.

Eric nodded and then gave her a small smile. He couldn't understand why this girl made him feel this way. He was so used to feel cold and numb, but this little Candor made him happy.

"Hey...Siv. Are you okay?" Four asked walking towards them.

"Yeah... To-Four I'm fine. But Alec fainted on the way here so I don't think he is okay" Four chuckled.

"But now you're first in the ranking," he said putting his arm around her shoulders.

Eric clenched his hands into fists when he saw this, wanting more than ever to beat Four up and then throw him off a high building.

They did target practice the next day. Silver was not so good with guns but amazing with knives.

She even turned to the side and talked to Four and the knife still hit the target perfectly.

Eric would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed, the same thing for Max who was also observing the training as Eric had only been a leader for just over half a year.

Later that day Eric was walking towards the library in the compound when he saw a blonde walk towards it at well.

He rounded the corner and saw Silver sitting in the very far corner reading a book.

He grabbed himself one before walking in her direction.

Without really thinking about it Eric picked her up lightly, making her squeal in surprise, before sitting down on her previous place, setting her down on his lap.

Silver looked confused for a second before leaning against Eric and continue reading. He smiled at that and also focussed on his book, playing with Silver's hair.

It was then Eric decided that Silver was his. Nobody would have her beside him, and anyone who tried would die.

It was just before midnight and Eric couldn't sleep. They had spent hours sitting in the library together, reading in peace and quiet. At one point Silver put her book down and curled up to his side, relaxing her muscles.

Eric couldn't get her image out of his head. He wanted her for him. Every time he closed his eyes he saw those beautiful eyes, that long angel-like hair and those oh so kissable lips.

He finally got had enough and grabbed his jacket from by the door walking out of his apartment

He just passed Four's room when he saw Silver walking towards it.

"What are you doing here. Visiting your boyfriend?" Eric pressed out between his teeth.

"What..boyfriend...Four? Oh god, no..he is like a brother to me. We knew each other from before and...well when he transferred we sort of lost contact" Silver said after calming down from the shock of Eric suddenly being there.

His presence alone made her heart beat faster.

Eric was now standing directly in front of her, staring at her. He glanced at her lips then her eyes, before grabbing the back of her head and pressing his lips against hers.

Silver was frozen in shock, but after a moment she finally pulled Eric even closer and started kissing him back.

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