Dountless week part 3

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Simon turned around and was faced with a pissed looking Eric. His muscles were flexed and he had the most murderous glare on his face.

Simon gulped when he saw Eric, who looked anything but pleased.
"Hello Simon, get away from my girl before I tear your arms off and throw you in the chasm," Eric said his voice quiet but with a venomous tone that sent shivers down his back.

Simon quickly stepped away from Silver who was in Eric's arms eminently. Eric took her face in his hands, searching for her eyes with his.

After a few moments, where the two of them held a silent monologue, Eric kissed Silver's forehead and let her face go, taking one of her hands in his.

"Wait...your his girlfriend. Why would you want to be with him? I'm sure there are other men who are more qualified them him to take care of you. I would gladly show you what a real 'good time' looks like"

All the people in the Pit went silent when they heard this. Jessika finally spotted Silver, who she had been looking for, the entire evening, but she refrained herself from going to her as Eric was beside her.

"Eric why don't yo-" Max, who had tried to talk to Eric was shut up with a  single glare that could probably freeze over hell.

His hand tightened around Silver's and he was breathing heavily. Eric's eyes were darker and he honestly looked more dangerous then he had in his whole life.

In the snap of a second, Eric let go of Silver's hand and grabbed Simon's collar, dragging him away from the pit.

Simon tried to get out of his iron grip, but Eric was too strong, so his attempts were fruitless. The crowd parted for the two as nobody wanted to be on Eric's bad side at the moment.

The leaders of the factions had warned them about Eric and that his anger could get the best of him, if someone disrespected his girlfriend, but he was a good leader when that wasn't the case.

Now all attention was on Four and Silver, who still hadn't moved. The problem was just that now their parents could finally see them and knew where they were.

"I'll go with..that. come on Four" Silver said to nobody in particular, before dragging him in the direction Eric and Simon went.

The room was still in utter silence when they left until the music was turned up again and the people began to chatter and dance again.

Meanwhile, Simon was in one of the training rooms with a furious Eric.

"I put up with your smartmouthing in Erudite because I didn't have another choice but this is my faction. I am one of the leaders and the girl is mine" Eric shouted throwing Simon on the matts, punching him in the process.

Simon tried to get up but was met with Eric's fist. He groaned in pain and Eric kicked his stomach, making him cough as well.

Suddenly the kicks and punches were stopped and Simon looked up from the heap he had rolled himself into.

Silver was standing in front of Eric's fist. He had halted mid-air, centimetres away from her face. Silver must have stepped in, just before the next blow.

Eric's fist fell to his side and she wrapped her arms around him, one of her hands combed through his hair.

His girl (Eric Coulter)Where stories live. Discover now