Family Problems

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"I'll leave you two to it then. Eric, you have a few days off."

Silver was sitting in their apartment holding Thea in her arms. Eric stood in the kitchen making some dinner for everyone who actually ate proper food.

Thea gurgled and grabbed a strain of Silver's hair making the blonde smile.

"Hello princess" she whispered, giving her a light kiss.

Eric watched from the kitchen. He smiled when he saw them interact. When they started dating he asked if she wanted children. Silver was unsure then, due to the childhood with her abusive parents, but she seemed so happy. She was glowing and vibrant with joy.

Their daughter was pressed against her chest, wrapped in a black blanket with the red Dauntless symbol on it.

Silver was rocking Thea gently making the baby yawn before closing her eyes. She stood up and put Thea in a little hammock that was ba the sofa.

"You happy?" Silber asked, wrapping her arms around Eric.

"More than I ever dreamed of. I love you Siv, you and Thea"

He gently combed through her long hair, massaging her scalp a little.

A few days later in the evening Silver was walking through the halls of the compound with Thea in her arms. She was sleeping soundly in ger mothers arms.

Eric was in the Pit with the initiates as it was visiting day. All the parents could visit their children who were in Dauntless.

She was walking aimlessly when suddenly she heard steps from behind her. She turned around and froze.

"Hello, Sarah. It's been a while" her mother spoke in an icy tone.

"What are you doing here?" Silver hissed, pulling Thea closer to her body, trying to shield her from her mother. The corridors were dark and she was hoping her mother couldn't see the child, that was wrapped in a dark blanket.

"I missed you. We haven't talked in ages. What that a child?" the elderly woman gasped when she noticed the baby.

Silver only pulled Thea closer, which was barely possible as she was already pressed firmly against her. Thea began to stir but relaxed again.

"So my slut of a daughter got knocked up. What a surprise. Spreading your legs seems like the only thing you can actually do"

"Thea's father is my boyfriend and we have been together for years now. And if someone is a slut here it's you. Or did you forget the night you got drunk and slept with some random guy while your husband was waiting for you at home" Silver smirked when she saw the look of horror on her mothers face. She deserved anything Silver had to say.

"" The women raised her hand to smack Silver or Thea but was stopped by her.

"Careful what you do her mother. There are cameras everywhere" Silver pointed to a camera that was in a corner, pointing directly towards them.

She suddenly tried to grab Thea and tear her away from Silver when a voice interrupted them.

"Is there a problem her" it snarled, in his hand a gun which he held loosely, not pointing at anyone, but clearly it was easily accessible.

His girl (Eric Coulter)Where stories live. Discover now