Take a break

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"I think I'll wait outside. Silver, if you need anything just shout" Four said, standing up and leaving as well.

The room was silent. Silver was staring at the end of the bed while Eric just looked at her bump. She had her arms around it again ever since Four left the room. As if she wanted to protect the baby from him. That sight broke Eric's heart. He would never ever hurt her or the baby.

"How could you go?"

"On a mission? I was not even a month pregnant Eric. Did you want me to stay at the compound for nine months-"

"Yes, dammit. Do you know how I felt when I found out from FOUR that you were pregnant? That my girlfriend who was carrying my baby was missing. We didn't even know if you were still alive. I said from the start I didn't like that you went on missions. Dauntless has other jobs, where I can be sure you don't die or get captured." Eric's voice was hysteric and he almost shouted at the end.

"What, do you want me to be one of those housewives who just stay at home all day and I don't know...watch the kinds?

"Why the hell not. I couldn't sleep, not knowing if you would come back to me, both of you, but at least you got to play hero so everything is fine right?" He screamed sarcastically.

"Yeah well, just to your information. I didn't ask to get captured. I was the one who sat there every day praying they wouldn't find out I was pregnant and then do something to my baby. I was the one who sat there in that cold cell. So...I am sorry if I am not the perfect partner for you. Maybe we should take a break...a break from us. I'm staying with Four" Silver stood up and walked past a frozen Eric.

"No Siv...dodon't go" he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. "Please"

She turned around and stared at him with a hurt expression. Silver opened her mouth to say something but just didn't know what to say, so she just closed it again, leaving a broken Eric behind.

As soon as Silver was gone he fell to his knees. Silent tears were rolling down his face but he didn't even notice them. If someone saw him like this his reputation would be ruined, but he really couldn't bring himself to care.

He sat down against the wall, pulling his legs close, his arms loosely around them. The tears were now pouring out of his eyes as he sat there not moving.

After about ten minutes Max entered the infirmary. He didn't see anyone so he was about to leave when he noticed Eric sitting on the floor. Max was pretty sure he was hallucinating when he saw him crying.

"Is the baby okay?" he asked, worried about their baby. Silver was a fighter, but he didn't know how much she could influence her pregnancy.

"Yes,  the baby is fine. Silver she...she wants to 'take a break'. She's living with Four for a while. We got in a fight and..."

He was more than shocked to hear that. Eric and Silver never fought and even if they had different opinions he would crave when she really wanted him to.

Max sat down beside Eric. He liked the young leader and he respected Eric. He also totally shipped Silvic (Eric and Silver). Max glanced at Eric, he just stared at the opposite wall, looking empty

His girl (Eric Coulter)Where stories live. Discover now