Past: thunderstroms

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It was raining cats and dogs, thunder echoing in the compound's halls and lightning lighting up the sky. Silver was walked to Eric's study. Every now and then she flinched when the thunder was very loud again. She never liked storms. She loved the rain and it wasn't like she was afraid of storms. She just didn't like them.

Maybe the loud booming sounds reminded her of the arguments her parents had. It didn't matter if they were drunk or not, they would shout about everything. Well, shout at her about everything.

A few Dauntless members passed Silver and nodded or greeted her when they saw her. She didn't really react. Deadset on getting to Eric as fast as possible.

He was busy dealing with some paperwork, but he had said multiple times that she could come whenever she wanted.

Eric was her safe haven. He was always there for her and she felt protected and loved around him. How he took her hand when they walked through the compound. How he always held her close to him. How he watched the same films over and over again, just to make her happy. Eric hated one movie but he would never dare say anything.  It was the way Silver's eyes light up when she saw her favourite scenes, or how she curled up to him when they watched a film together. No Eric would never say he hated the movie because she liked it and he would do anything to keep her happy.

Silver was in front of the door to Eric's study. She knocked twice before entering. Eric was sitting behind his desk a big stack of paper in front of him. He held a pen in his right hand and had a laptop on his left, scrolling through something with his left one.

As soon as he saw who had come in he smiled and his eyes light up. Eric put the pen down as opened his arms, a welcoming gesture. Silver closed the door quickly and curled up on his lap in his awaiting arms.

The thunder wasn't so loud in Eric's study but she still flinched when a particularly loud one hit.

Eric pulled her closer resting his head on hers. He leaned back one of his hands combing through her red hair, soothing her impossibly.

He grabbed the pen and continued to work, his other arm still wrapped tightly around Silver. If anyone saw this he would never hear the end of it.

Eric just finished when someone knocked on his door. He looked up and Max entered. His eyes fell on Eric and Silver. She had shifted and now was leaning on Eric's left side her head resting on his shoulder.

"What can I do for you, Max?" Eric asked trying to sound civil, although he wasn't happy Max was there.

"I never meant to intrude but I wanted to tell you about the meeting with the other leaders and I wanted to get the mission reports from Silver. I figured you would know where she is" he said handing Eric a piece of paper, pointing at Silver at the last part.

Silver pointed at the far end of the desk where a pile of papers sat. Max took the papers and thanked her before departing.

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