Pissy Eric

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Without saying a word Tori dragged them to a table in the corner. It was far away from the leader-table, where Eric sat staring at Silver.

They had just sat down when Tori said: "wait Eric cried?!"

The tension in the compound was thick. Today was the day of the choosing ceremony and there would be new soldiers to train. No doubt Eric would be extra pissy this year.

True to Max's word Eric hated Four even more than before. The fact that the former abnegation boy got to be with his girlfriend and baby irked him to no end.

Silver had been living with Four for about a week now and she couldn't say she didn't miss Eric, but still, he treated her like she was beneath him which she theoretically was, with him being leader, but that had never mattered before.

Eric was standing on the roof again, glaring at everyone standing in front of him. His temper often got the better of him but usually Silver was there to calm him down and make him be more civil, well as civil as he could be. The inborn knew why Eric was so mean but the transfers had no idea.

Sure he never was a friendly open guy but when the first jumper took too long, Eric pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot him if he continued to waste his time.

Four, who had helped the boy off the net sighed when he saw the pure look of horror on his face and heard what Eric had done.

After the tour, all the initiates were sitting in the mess-hall. Four was at their table, listening to their conversations.

"Why is Eric so bitchy. I mean I heard he was bad, but lots of Dauntless members said he's even worse this year?" A girl from Amity asked.

Four sighed before answering.

"It's not like it's a secret 'round here. See that blonde girl over there...that's Silver. His girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend..well they are having a break. Problem is she is pregnant and doesn't want to be around Eric at the moment. He is 'bitchy' because she is living with me at the moment together with his child, so...yeah we two are on great terms"

"Wait so she is the reason we might all die?" A boy at the table asked, glaring at Silver.

"At the moment it is your attitude that will get you killed. That is my sister and she still means the world to Eric. So unless you want to piss both your instructor and your leader off, you should shut up and stop glaring at her."

The boy-Phil visibly paled and looked down at his plate. Phil was about to continue eating when he felt a strong hand grip his shoulder painfully.

"If you ever, ever look at her like that again, I will give you the most painful death you could imagine. Do you understand?" Eric's voice hissed in his ear.

Phil was frozen in fear not moving or saying anything. Eric pressed a little harder "I said. Do. You. Understand?"

"Y-yes, sir. W-won't h-h-happen again" he stuttered trying not to cry out in pain.

Suddenly Eric's vice grip was gone

"Good" he only said before walking back to the other leaders, but not before throwing a glare at Four.

Before you all kill me Silver and Eric will get back together soon so no need to plot my death.

His girl (Eric Coulter)Where stories live. Discover now