Max meets Thea

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"She's really beautiful"

"Yeah...she is" Silver answered.

It was night time. The infirmary was quiet. No doubt the Pit would be filled with people, swarming around the bar.

Eric was sleeping with his head resting on the bed, the rest of his body in a chair. He had managed to convince the nurse that he was allowed to stay. Well, he glared the nurse and she didn't want a bullet in her head so she quickly agreed.

Silver was still awake. At the other side of the small room was a little crib with Thea. Carefully, not to wake Eric, Silver slipped out of the bed and went to the crib.

Thea was sleeping, her little chest rising and falling in a soothing rhythm.

Gently Silver stroked her cheek, not wanting to wake her daughter and then probably also Eric.

"Siv...come back to bed. You need to rest" Eric murmured, still half asleep.

"I'm okay" she only replied.

"I know Erudite has something to make your body feel fit again but you still need to sleep. Thea is fine" he said, wrapping his arms around the blonde from behind.

"Come on" with that he pulled her back to the bed. Eric lay down on it and Silver curled up on his chest.

"Night Eric" she whispered before drifting into a dreamless sleep. Eric kissed her forehead also relaxing.

The next morning Silver woke up to Eric standing in the room, gently rocking Thea in his arms.

"Hey, Siv...I think she is hungry and that is a part I really can't do" Eric said as soon as he saw she was awake. Putting Thea in her outstretched hands.

Silver kissed her forehead before feeding her. Thea was completely still as she had breakfast.

"Gotta say, I'm totally jealous of the baby right now" Eric sighed. Silver just flipped him off and he raised his hands in surrender.

Thea finished and Silver burped her.

"So the nurse just wants to check you both over and then we can go home"

Silver nodded and Thea gurgled, stretching one if her little chubby hands out. Silver held her finger out and she grabbed it with great enthusiasm.

A knock on the door interrupted the cute moment. A second later Max came in.

"Hello Eric, Silver. I'm here to meet the new Dauntless member" he said with a smile.

Eric sighed. He was sure a lot of people would want to meet Thea. He was a leader and he sometimes had the feeling Silver was friends with half of the compound.

"Max meets Thea, our daughter," he said defeated.

Max came closer and looked at the bundle in Silver's arms. He was about to ask if he got to hold her but Eric said something first.

"No, you may not hold her. She is not even a day old and not some pet you give around"

Max just chuckled. He knew Eric would be furiously protective over her. Especially with Tea who was really only a few hours old. He knew they wanted more time with her before they shared her with others. Max had been a leader for years now and he'd seen other parents with their first child. not to mention Eric always was protective over Silver. Everyone knew it would be no different with their children, or at the moment child.

"I'll leave you two to it then. Eric, you have a few days off.

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