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Claire Monroe

It was 3am and I was crying. I haven't went to sleep yet and I knew that I wouldnt be getting any anytime soon.

This was the fourth fight we had this week and it was only Wednesday.

Nate would always leave and come home around 10pm, but tonight he didn't and that left me to wonder.

Wonder where he is, who's he with, and when will he be coming home.

All of these questions and I wouldn't get the answers until he actually came home.

I gripped the giant teddy bear that he got me for Valentines Day and cried harder.

I remember the day like it was yesterday.

We had the day all to ourselves and we went to a carnival. We rode rides and played games. He played the ring toss twenty times until he won the giant bear for me. Everything was great, until we got home.

We had ran into one of my old friends from when I was in diapers on our way home and he started to accuse me of cheating on him.

I brought up stuff from the past that he did.

He yelled.

I yelled.

Things got thrown and broken.

We never stop arguing until the other leaves or one of us is crying.

I always end up crying either way.

But in the morning I always seem to forgive him for everything he does.

I loved him and he loved me and that's how it's always going to be.

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now