Chapter 12 Infinity

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Everyone was packing up, so we could get ready for another performance in a few hours. We all turned in our keycards, and left to board the bus.

"I'm missing one!" The lady at the front desk counted each key. Andrew hurried back on the bus.

"Harry! We're going to be late! Where is your keycard?" Andrew shouted.

"I think I might've lost it."

"Have you checked your pockets?" I suggested.

"It wouldn't be in my pocket. I left it in my wallet." Harry said, looking in his jeans pocket.

Harry then checked his coat pocket, and pulled out his missing keycard.

"I have no idea how it got there," Harry pleaded.

"Do you mind if I quickly give it to her? I'd like to apologize to the lady." Harry begged.

Andrew took Harry back to the front desk, where he was returning the keycard. I got up and locked the bus doors.

Liam: "What are you locking doors for?"

Me: "Guys, I really need your help. Everyone please swear not to say a damn word. Not even to Harry."

Niall: "I swear."

Louis: "Me too."

Liam: "Promise."

Me: "Harry kissed me last night and told me he liked me. He kept calling me love, and was kissing my neck before I went to sleep. Whatever you guys do, do not mention anything to anyone."

Liam: "I'm going to fucking beat his ass!!"

Niall: " Did he force himself on you?!"

Louis: "Harry the whore. Has a nice ring to it, don't cha think?"

Me: "Liam, you're not going to lay a damn finger on him. Niall, no he did not, I kissed him back, and Louis.. go fuck yourself!"

I heard voices coming from outside the bus. I quickly unlocked the door, and pretended that I was sleeping. I just didn't want Harry winking at me or anything like that. The boys did their own thing, while Harry and Andrew got back on the bus.

After the performance, the boys and I went to Mcdonald's.

Liam went up to the counter, and ordered:

"5 Big Macs, 3 cokes, 1 sprite, 1 fanta, 5 Mcflurry kit kats and 10 cheeseburgers please."

"We always buy extra cheeseburgers for the bodyguards." Harry whispered in my ear.

I thought it was sweet, but I still wasn't sure if I was either avoiding Harry, or straight up flirting with him.

After we arrived back at the hotel, Harry handed out the cheeseburgers. We all ate at a booth, Niall had saved for us.

"So we have 2 days off, what's everyone doing?" Niall asked.

I hadn't really thought about what to do. All I'd been thinking about was Harry, and that kiss we both had the other night.

"There's always the private party's." Liam said, glancing at Niall.

"Can Victoria even go?" Niall replied.

"What are we gonna do? Put a fooking nametag on her that says "I'm with 1D." Louis said jokingly.

"We could livestream with her on the bus." Harry suggested.

Everyone was down with that. It's not like I was gonna do something crazy to get attention. Ever. I also did that stupid interview about Zayn leaving the band. Maybe people sorta knew me?

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