Chapter 18 Rock Me

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Victoria's POV

Everyone was loading up the bus, and we were all looking forward to the VIP party tonight. Andrew took a cab here, so I'm guessing he's driving the bus.

Today was our last day off, as we were touring all next week. We all got on the bus, and got situated.

Louis, Niall and Harry, all sat on the couch. I was across from them, as I was laying down on my bunk. I could tell Liam was going for a shower, as the bathroom door was closed, and the water was running

Andrew was driving us to a hotel, where we would just chill for the day. He said we could all go our own ways.

As soon as Andrew mentioned that, I got the best idea ever. I took my phone out from my pocket, and began messaging Niall.

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Hey, had an idea, turn your ringer off so the boys don't know you're texting. Wyd later on?

Niall glanced at me with a confused look, and went along with it.

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Ok weirdo. I'm not sure what I'm doing later.. I wanted to go play golf, but Liam said it's supposed to rain later. Why?

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Need a favour.. Harry asked me on a date, and he said if I wanted to go, then I'd have to meet him somewhere after the party. So I need 2 dresses. One for the party, and one for the date.

I looked over at Niall, waiting for his reaction, and his jaw completely dropped. A smile then appeared, and he was full of excitement.

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Uhhh, WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY AND HOW!!! I NEED DETAILS!! And also, why buy a second dress for the date? What if you guys go swimming? Or paintballing?

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
First of all, paintballing isn't my thing. I did it once at a summer camp, and I had a panic attack because it hurt so bad. I was in shock. And good point.. I'll ask him what he wants to do for the date, at the party. And he asked me on the dock, after the campfire. I'll explain later.

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
It's a fooking paintball Victoria. And I want details!!

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
I was sitting at the edge of the dock, after the campfire, with my feet in the water. He must've asked Liam where I was, because he found me, and sat down right beside me. He put his feet in the water, and asked if I wanted to go on a date. It was one of those "I understand if not, but if yes, meet me after the party, I'll send you a location".. He told me who cares what the fans, paparazzi, and management thinks. It kept me up all night.

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
😱😱😱 Ok we're going dress shopping!! What should we tell the boys??

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Uhhhh.. that you're taking me exploring??

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Does Harry get jealous easily?

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
Don't think so. He's got the worst temper out of the boys. He yells a lot.

To Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪
I'd rather him get jealous, then to yell.
Just make the excuse seem believable

From Irish Bestfriend🇮🇪

I put on my headphones, and blasted some tunes. I mostly listened to the band's music, only because I wanted to get familiar with some of their songs.

I heard a muffled voice shouting my name, so I took my headphones off, and looked around.

"Do you want to explore later?" Niall asked from the couch.

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