Chapter 57 Alive

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7:30 PM
The boys snuck me downstairs, as we didn't want anyone to notice us. I was wearing this huge floppy hat, and this big sweater. Only to cover up my identity. I was hiding in some luggage, to which a bellboy was strolling around.
The boys snuck me off to the back exit, where a man stood before me. He wore a black suit, with dark sunglasses, and a fedora.
I was absolutely shocked as I soon realized it was Harry. Not only did Harry surprise me with his disguise, but also with the small limo parked behind him. I gave him a huge hug, before the boys rushed us inside. Harry opened the door, and led me in.
Harry got in, and Liam closed the door after him. LED lights surrounded the walls, while coolers of champagne lay beside us.
"I'm seriously lost for words, you look absolutely beautiful love." Harry pecked my cheek.
"What are you talking about? A limo, and champagne, and this awesome suit you're wearing. If anyone should be lost for words here, it should be me." I teased.
We laughed, as we exited the parking lot.
We took off our disguises, just for the drive.
"Where does my dad think we are?" I asked.
"The boys told me they'd handle it."
"Fine. They told him we were all going to explore, and maybe go shopping."
"Did he buy it?"
"I think so. He won't know that we're doing our own thing while the boys are doing theirs."
"What even are they doing?"
"Louis is probably drunk already, while Liam is forced to take care of him. Niall is probably pissing himself laughing as they go bowling or something."
We laughed and told some jokes, while we waited to arrive wherever he was taking me. I didn't want to ask where we were going. It's not like he'd tell me anyway.
"Alright, I'm just gonna say it. I'm sick and tired of waiting. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend tonight, and forever. For real."
I couldn't even get the slightest bit of words to speak, as I saw Harry reach in his pocket. He pulled out a small black box, started to kneel down on one knee.
"Victoria, will you be my girlfriend?" He opened the box, to reveal a small ring with a butterfly on it.

"Victoria, will you be my girlfriend?" He opened the box, to reveal a small ring with a butterfly on it

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I forced myself to finally answer.
"Of course Harry!"
He slipped the ring on, and we kissed for what felt like forever.
The limo stopped, and the door was opened by the chauffeur. He let us out by some trees, and a pathway.
"I figured we could walk from here, and watch the sunset." Harry said.
"That'd be nice." I smiled.
We ended up talking for an hour, watching the sunset. He led me inside this huge arena, then to this desk.
"Hi, we'd like to rent a pair of ice skates." Harry dug around for his wallet.
I found it meaningful. He knew that I loved hockey, and skating. I pulled out some cash, and insisted on paying for the skates.
We received skates, with guards on them. We walked over to the family dressing room, and put them on. We weren't allowed to remove the skate guards, until we were on the bench.
We both removed the skate guards, and stepped onto the ice.
"Woah." Harry fumbled a lot.
"Hold my hands."
Harry reached out, as he probably had no idea how to skate.
"Why would you take me skating, if you don't even know how to skate." I teased.
"I'll learn if I have to."
I let go of his hands, and skated away from him.
"Skate towards me." I told him.
"No." He shook his head.
He seemed terrified, but in a cute way. Almost like he wasn't really terrified.
"Don't make me quote you on what you literally just said."
Harry began to carefully skate towards me, making eye contact the entire time.
When he finally got to me, he fumbled in my arms, as soon as he looked down.
"Just for that, I deserve a kiss." He teased.
I giggled and pecked his lips, while he got back on his feet.

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