Chapter 21 Hey Angel

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"Can you wait here please? I'll only be a few minutes." I begged, slipping Wren a 20 dollar bill.

"Sure." Wren replied, stuffing the bill in his pocket.

I walked over to the torn down bar, and pulled out my phone to turn on my flashlight. There was glass everywhere, so I made sure to be really careful.

"Harry?" I shouted from the door.

"Over here." I heard his voice reply.

I walked over to where I heard his voice, and shined my phone towards him.

"You scared me." I said, with a deep breath.

"Sorry, I know it's not the best meeting place." Harry said, walking over to a counter.

"How did you get out of the party?" I asked, turning my head towards him.

"I crawled out of a window in the bathroom. He chuckled.

"You're kidding." I said.

"Nope. I seriously came through a window. I just sent the boys a message before I came here, telling them where I was." Harry said.

With my flashlight still on, I saw Harry reach for a red barbecue lighter, and light some small white candles."

"Niall's waiting in the cab outside, so I can't stay long. He's the only one that knows so far." I said, as Harry was lighting candles.

"I was actually hoping to tell the boys before we make anything official. And since you're here, that means your answer is yes? Otherwise you wouldn't have come." Harry said, putting down the lighter.

"Look Harry, I really like you, I just don't know how I'd put up with the paparazzi, and fans. I'm honestly new to all of this. I was just sitting in my room, reading a book and my dad came into my room to tell me that we'd be touring with one of the most famous boy bands of all time. It was just so sudden." I explained.

"Just like your dad says, whatever happens, happens for a reason." Harry said while pulling out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked, making my way towards him.

Before I could even wait for him to answer, "Little Things" began to play from his phone.

Without saying a word, Harry reached out his hand, and waited till I reached out to grab it. When I did, he pulled me closer, and we began to sway from side to side.

Part of me was speechless over the fact how Harry and I were slow dancing with candles, but the other half of me was convinced that Niall was probably videotaping this from the car.

🎶I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to🎵

Harry leaned in closer to me, and whispered:

🎵I'm in love with you, and all these little things🎶

With my hands tucked around his shoulders, and his hands on my waist, I stared into his bright green eyes.

Right as Harry leaned back, he put one of his hands on my cheek, and pulled me in even closer. He stopped swaying, and his lips met with mine.

My hand moved from his neck, to his cheek. I kissed him gently, while his lips were firmly pressed against mine.

Without thinking, I pulled away from Harry.

"Everything alright love?" He asked, lowering his hands.

"Yea it's just, Nialls waiting in the cab and I don't want to keep him waiting." I said, grabbing my purse from the counter.

"Oh, I forgot he was waiting." Harry said, while blowing out the candles, and pausing the music.

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