Chapter 22 I Want to Write You a Song

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I nearly jumped out of my bed when I heard the sound of Niall's speaker on full blast. Remember last night when he was rocking out with Wren to "Work From Home" by Fifth Harmony? Well, that's the same song he was blasting.

🎶You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work🎵

I rolled over with gloomy eyes, and stared at Niall. We made eye contact, and he bursted out laughing.

"You weren't supposed to see me dancing!".

"Your speaker is so loud. It's kind of hard not to notice."

Niall walked over to his nightstand to shut off the music, while I was getting up from my bed.

I grabbed my phone, to check my notifications.

From Dad
Happy birthday kiddo 🥳 - Nolan got sick so I need to watch Cookie. Maybe you can spend the day with the boys?

To Dad
Yea sure, I'll ask Niall.

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks. Hey, I was supposed to spend the day with my dad after the performance, but he just canceled. Some kid got sick and can't watch Cookie, so my dad's stuck watching him. He asked if I could crash with you guys today? If that's okay."

"Yea sure. Harry and Louis mentioned they wanted to get some tattoos. You could probably hold their hands."

"Do you think I could get a tattoo?"

Niall hesitated before he could even answer.

"Your dad would literally kill us. You'd have to ask him."

"He would definitely say no. Even though I'm 18 now, he'd still have a shit fit. What if I just don't tell him?"

"How the hell are you gonna hide a tattoo from your dad? It's not like you could just wash it off."

"Even if he finds out, he would have to deal with it. I'm 18 and it's my body. At least I'm not getting weird ass piercings on my face. It would just be a small paper airplane tattoo on my arm. Or maybe even some birds on my shoulder blade."

"Start with the arm tattoo. Your shoulder blade could really hurt, since it's a boney area. It'll probably hurt a lot."


*Knock knock knock*

Niall walked over to the door to look through the peephole, while I grabbed some clothes and headed over to the bathroom to get changed.

"Hey Harry, whats up?"

"Not much, just stopping by to see Victoria. I wanted to wish her a happy birthday."

"I think she's changing right now, do you want to wait inside?"

"Yea sure."

I slipped on some dark blue ripped jeans, a flesh coloured crop top, and a camo sweater.

I brushed my hair and teeth, and put on some mascara. I walked out of the bathroom, to see Harry waiting on my bed.

"Happy birthday love. You look good. What happened to your spring coat?" Harry said, getting up and stretching out his arms to give me a hug.

"I guess I just felt like wearing this. My dad bailed and was hoping if I could crash today with you guys."

"Of course. Andrew is collecting all the luggage so I'll help you guys pack up. I think Adam and Paul are sending Andrew to babysit us today because of last night. Then, I'm pretty sure we're gonna stop on the way for food."

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