Chapter 15 I Should've Kissed You

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I could hear Niall blasting the band's album, on full volume. I quickly got up, and out of bed. I got changed into a white t-shirt, black leggings, and my checkered slip on vans. I slipped on my light pink spring jacket. Even though it was January, I still wore it.


I checked my phone to see who had just texted me.

From Hazza Styles
Good morning sunshine ☀️ Me and the boys are downstairs. It's just us down here. Pretty quiet without you and Niall.

I chuckled, while staring at my phone.

"Who's that?" Niall asked, as he nodded to my phone.

"Harry. He just told me that- You can read it." I said, passing my phone to Niall.

"Good morning sunshine? He even put a little emoji. He never does that. And Hazza?" he said, jokingly.

I reached for my phone, but I guess Niall wanted to snoop some more, as he pulled his hand away.

"C'mon, Niall! Give it back!" I whined.

"He sent a selfie? Wow Harry definitely likes you." Niall said, with an ear to ear grin on his face.

Niall gave my phone back, after realizing there wasn't much too look at. I left the room with all my luggage still by the bed, as Andrew would load the bus later. I took the elevator, and met the boys on the last floor.

Harry: Where's Niall?

Me: I don't know. Probably getting changed.

Liam: Well, we're about to take off, so Niall better hurry his ass up.

Harry: Maybe if you text him, he'll come down. We've been trying to message him for the past 15 minutes.

Louis: What if you give me your keycard, and I quietly enter the room, and scare the shit out of him.

Me: He'd get you back, and he's awake. So, you wouldn't be sneaking past anyone. And where even are we going?

Liam: It's a surprise, you'll see when you get there.

Me: So, what do I tell my dad?

Harry: I'll message him and tell him where we're going. That way, he knows but you don't.


We all heard the elevator doors open, and we shifted our heads towards it, hoping it'd be Niall so we could leave. Everyone sighed in disappointment, realizing it was Andrew. After he saw us, he pulled out his Master keycard, and took off.

He was probably bringing our luggage down.

Harry convinced me to message Niall, so I did.

To Irish Bestfriend🇨🇮
Get down here! We can't enjoy our days off, if your lazy ass doesn't get down here, in the next 5-10 minutes.

From Irish Bestfriend🇨🇮
Good morning to you too

We all waited for Niall at the small booth.


Everyone turned to the elevator, thinking it was Niall, again.

Andrew was bringing our luggage down, and Niall was right behind him, out of breath.

"Did you run down?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you think?" Niall replied, still trying to catch his breath.

Andrew made a few more trips, and eventually loaded up the bus.

"What's your dad's number?" Harry asked while holding out his phone.

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