Chapter 24 What Makes You Beautiful

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From the couch, Louis and Liam were hysterically laughing like 5 year olds.

I turned around, and faced the unsophisticated little cowards, who were nearly pissing themselves laughing.

"Victoria! It's a fucking curtain. It's not like it's soundproof." Louis said, choking on his own spit from laughing so much.

"How does Andrew know?" I asked, with eyes wider than a lost puppy.

"Does it matter? He said he'll keep quiet. What happens on the bus stays on the bus." Louis said, trying to catch his breath.

"Louis!" I shouted.

I could see that Liam wanted to say something, just by the look in his eye. I turned to Liam, and put my hands on my hips.

"How does Andrew know?" I asked Liam, in a firm voice.

"The driver's seat isn't far from your bunk, Victoria. Besides, you and Harry were cuddling with the curtains closed. It was obvious enough." Liam said.

"I didn't close the curtain, Louis did." I added, pointing to Louis with a grin.

"Well, I didn't want to see a full on make out session from the corner of my eye. If anything, I did everyone a favour." Louis said, with the biggest smirk on his face.

"You saw us?!" I said, losing the grin.

"Well why else would I close the curtain?" Louis said.

Irritated, I stormed off, and sat on the steps for the bus.

"Harry where are you?" Louis shouted from the couch.

"Uh, I'm just- in the bathroom. Almost done."

With the silence after that, I could picture Liam and Louis exchanging looks.

"Harry are you-"


"Yes you are!!"

"Shut up, I'm almost done."

Liam and Louis burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Harry is that?" Louis said, imitating me in a girly voice.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it." Liam added, imitating Harry.

They burst out laughing once again. I had to admit, being irritated and all, it was hilarious how Liam and Louis found it ridiculous. Plastering a grin on my face, I saw Andrew walk up to the bus.

"Sorry, I'll move."

I jumped onto the bus, and got out of Andrew's way. The crew bus was right behind us. I crawled up back to my bunk so I wouldn't be in the way for when Andrew unloads the bus. I would take another nap, but I had a feeling Louis was going to prank me or something.

"Victoria, I won't say anything."

"Why wouldn't you say anything?"

"Just like Louis said, what happens on the bus, stays on the bus."

"And snitches get stitches, and talkers get walkers."

"Is that some sort of Canadian thing?"

"Sure. Let's go with that you boomer."

Andrew and I both turned our heads to face the bathroom, as Harry had just flushed the toilet, and was washing his hands.

"Harry you better have flushed your rags of icing, because if not, you're emptying that trash can in there!" Louis shouted from the couch.

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