Chapter 29 C'mon C'mon

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"Seriously, how can Victoria just sleep all day? I swear she sleeps more than all of us combined." Louis said, jokingly.

I slowly lifted myself, sitting up on my bed.

"Maybe I'm planning on staying up all night." I teased.

"Are we going to the tattoo place?" I asked, looking through my phone.

"Victoria, we're already here." Niall said, trying not to laugh.

My eyes widened as I realized I had slept for nearly an hour.


I climbed down from my bunk, and followed the boys as they walked in the store.

"Hello how are you today?" The worker asked.

No one was in the store. Only him.

"Great, and yourself?" Harry asked.

"I'm doing good. What tattoo are you interested in? We have a few books with designs inside."

"Well, I'm gonna get like a big butterfly or moth kind of above my stomach."

"Um, I'll get a compass on my right arm. Anywheres fine." Louis said, chiming in.

"Anything else?"

I looked over at Liam, Niall and Andrew to see them all shake their heads. I glanced at Niall, then to the worker.

"I'll get a paper airplane on my forearm, and a monarch orange butterfly on my shoulder blade."

"No you're not." Andrew said.

"I'm 18. My dad can live with it."

"It's not about your dad. It's painful Victoria. Start with the one on your arm. A shoulder blade can be a painful spot to get one done."

"How about I get the paper airplane one, then I'll decide whether or not I still want the one on my shoulder blade."

Andrew shrugged his arms, while the worker led us to where we would have them done.

"Who's first?" The worker asked.

"I'll go."

Harry walked up, and lay on his back. He took his shirt off, and cleared his throat.

As the worker sanitized Harry's upper stomach, Harry held out his hand.

"Hold my hand?" Harry asked, trying not to laugh.

I chuckled, as he squeezed my hand in relief.

"Does it hurt?"

"It just feels like tiny pecks. It doesn't hurt that bad. I mean, it might hurt more for me because I'm getting a huge tattoo on my stomach which is a little more sensitive."

"But you've gotten tattoos before. You're used to the pain sorta."

As the tattoo started, Harry squeezed my hand a little harder. I was really nervous for my turn. I leaned over to Andrew, with my hand still in Harry's, and asked him for an Advil.

Andrew rushed over to the bus which was in private parking, and brought back bottled water and medicine.

After Harry was done, Louis had his turn. Louis didn't mind the pain at all. Harry was holding Louis' hand, as the worker made a medium sized compass.

Time flew by and before you knew it, it was my turn. I slowly sat down on the chair, and slipped off my camo sweater. I put my arm out, and the worker slipped his fingers under it. His latex gloves gave me goosebumps.

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