Chapter 19 History

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(This one is pretty long, and I'm sorry about that)

Niall and I thanked the cab driver, and rushed out back to see if our rock was still there. Niall let out a sigh of relief, picking up the rock. We went inside, and began walking up the stairs.

"Wait, I have an idea." Niall said, reaching for his phone in his back pocket.

"Wait?" I asked.

Niall didn't say anything. He just dialed a phone number, and waited for them to answer.

"Hello? Yea, I need a favour. Keep this between you and I, but meet me by the back door, and I'll explain more when you get here.. Thanks mate." Niall hung up, and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"You'll see." Niall replied, as he opened the back door. Niall just stood there, holding the door open.

Andrew came up to the door, and met with Niall.

Niall: "Thanks for meeting me mate."

Andrew: "It's no problem."

Niall: "Alright, so you're gonna take this bag, and place it in room 422. Don't tell anyone what you're doing. This is a dress for the party tonight for Victoria. The boys can't see me carrying it. It's supposed to be a surprise."

Andrew: "Will do."

Niall: "Thanks."

Andrew nodded his head, and left. I was surprised how suddenly smart Niall was.

We finally got to the top, and went inside. Niall took off his hood, and sunglasses, while I was still wearing my hair up, and Harry's sweater.

We saw the boys chilling with Paul, and some of the crew members. We made our way towards them.

We were both soaking wet from the rain.

"Wait, I'm still wearing Harry's sweater!" I whispered to Niall.

"So? Tell him you only wore it because you were going out in public. And that I fetched it for you." Niall replied, calm as ever.

I nodded my head, as we came closer.

"There they are!" Paul said, standing up from the booth, making a scene.

Niall and I smiled and sat down.

"How was exploring?" Harry asked.

"It was great! We went for a nice walk, and stopped by at a mall to check it out. We didn't buy anything there. We bought some hotdogs from a stand, and Niall almost died when a pigeon landed in front of him. He was scared to death and it was hilarious! I even got a video." I explained with a huge smile.

"Haha yea, do you remember when you didn't know what pounds were? How in London they're called pounds, not dollars." Niall said, trying to embarrass me.

"Everyone gets confused. You sir, almost shit yourself when you saw that pigeon." I said, as I stuck my tongue out.

Everyone laughed at Niall, and I showed them the short video I took.

"Oh, where's Cookie?" I asked my dad, who was sitting right across from me.

"He's in the room." He replied.

I got up and excused myself with my dad's keycard in my hand, and pressed the button for the elevator.


The elevator doors opened, and I walked in. I hit the 4th button, and the doors closed.

Once they finally opened, I made my way down to my dad's room, to see Cookie. He was sound asleep on the bed.

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