1 ⚡ A new beginning

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FOR THOSE READING FROM BOOKCLUBS: This book is part of a series, but I'm writing it in a way that can be read as a standalone, so if you notice a part that needs more info, please point it out. Thank you ❤️

Chapter 1

five years ago


I don't know what went through my mind when I agreed to meet that crazy man, but it's too late to back off now.

I look around the empty, narrowed hallway that reeked of old dumpsters. He could kill me. He could, and yet, here I am.

Perhaps it was the expensive black suit he was wearing that made me trust him. Or that rich man cologne that every female liked, or even better, the changing color of his eyes used as proof to make me come here; from dark black eyes to a vibrant blue color that contrasted perfectly with that dark chocolate skin of his.

I shake my head. It's not the time to reminisce about our weird encounter. With trembling hands, I open the crooked door and walk inside complete darkness. My eyes blink, starting to glow a bright green color, that for some Gods' forsaken reason, reminded my dad of healthy watermelons.

My eyes roam around the place. It's empty, but there's another closed door in front of me. A chill runs down my spine as I walk ahead. I start praying to all the Gods my mind can think of, hell, even Ares, and he's a bastard.

My heart is fiercely clenching in my chest, but I swallow it down and open the second door. There's a blinding light that makes me squint my eyes and loud chatters ring in my ears.


How did I not hear them from outside? Soundproofed, perhaps?

I blink a few times, fixing my blurry vision. I gasp. There are at least ten people like me. Some have their human ears shifted into their felines', and others only have their animal's tails out. I know it's not a huge number of people, but to me, it means everything. I've only known one person who was part-human and part-cat, but I didn't see him after high school anymore.

His name was Xavier Lyon. He was everything I wanted to achieve: confident, charming, and an open book. The girls swooned for him, and the boys respected him. He didn't have to try hard to fit anywhere. He didn't care about other people's opinions and just acted like himself. I was envious of him.

Hell, I still am.

And after five years, here he is, dominating the scene as always with his laugh booming in the vacant room. I'm unable to move, my gaze fixed on him. His penetrating yellowish eyes are glowing with his ears freely in their animal form.

Round, brown furry lion ears perked up, matching with his caramel complexion tainted with artistic tattoos. His curly hair is gone, and now he has brown dreads pulled up in a ponytail. He couldn't be more handsome.

I was among the girls who swooned for him.

"Alexa! I'm so glad you made it," a girly voice says. Everyone stops speaking to look at me.

I clear my throat, flashing them a smile. "Never thought I'd participate in a werecats meeting."

They blink at me as a dark-skinned girl with long straight hair hooks her arm around mine. "There's a first time for everything. Now, come sit with us," she says, pulling me further inside the room.

A white room that only has colorful pillows on the ground and snacks scattered everywhere.

My heart skyrockets when she places me beside Xavier. I stay quiet, not knowing what to say as the chatters come back. The girl grabs some snacks and shoves them on my lap. "Eat. They're good. I'm Gabriella, by the way."

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