Chapter 6: I can handle Myself

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TW: eating disorders, gore

They got into the house; it was Liam and Theo's day to cook, but Liam collapsed on a seat at the kitchen table.

"Why don't you go up and take a shower? I can handle dinner," Theo looked at his boyfriend.

"You sure?" Liam looked up at him.

"I think I can handle spaghetti."

Liam nodded gratefully and went into the shower turning the temperature way up to stop his body from shivering.

Mason went into the kitchen with Theo, "want help?"

"Please make the salad; not going to lie I needed Liam, but I figured I would let him have the night off."

"I know," Mason smiled at the chimera. He still couldn't believe how much Theo had changed, since he came back from Hell he was always different, but after living with Liam for a while he really changed. The amount he cared for Liam, and he even took care of the rest of them. He started to make a change for himself, working hard in school, taking responsibility for himself, and everyone else; he would do anything for them. Mason knew that.

Liam got out of the shower and heard his phone ringing; he saw Scott's name and picked it up.

"Hey, Scott," he muttered.

"What's up, Liam?"

"Just got done with lax practice. What's new with you?"

"Vet school is kicking my ass that's about it. Um, so there was some weird death near you."

"What?" Liam looked at the phone in question.

"There was a girl killed in a shooting, except they can't find anything out about it."

"And?" Liam and them never really paid attention to the local news or anything. Honestly, random shootings happen all the time. He was confused about why Scott was even telling him this.

Scott texted him pictures of the victim; the news sent out an image of the victim's hand which had a specific tattoo and bracelets trying to find any relation the girl had to anyone. Liam looked at the pictures, then realized why Scott was concerned. There was a yellow substance on the ground beside her, and her fingernails were blackish, slightly longer than normal. She must have got shot before they could fully extend.

"A werewolf," Liam replied quietly. "Wolfsbane bullet."

"Be careful, Liam," Scott told him. "Also don't try to fix this by yourself; we will be there in a week anyways."

"I always take care of myself, Scott," Liam replied into the phone.

"Sure, Liam, see you later." Scott hung up the phone, worried about Liam. The kid was basically his younger brother, and he knew he would do anything for anyone. He was fearful Liam was going to hunt, whoever did this himself, but he also knew if he didn't tell him of the shooting. He and the puppy pack could be ambushed.

Liam went down the stairs, still worn out, now thinking about what Scott just told him. Should he tell Theo and the rest of them or handle it himself? He couldn't decide. Liam saw Mason helping Theo.

"Hey, you told me you didn't need my help," Liam accused him.

"I was giving you the night off; I didn't realize me telling you to not do work was going to offend you," Theo smirked.

Liam threw himself down at the table; Theo didn't even need him now. He would handle this by himself. "I'm going over to Luke's after dinner to study for exercise science," Liam told Mason and Theo. He had done this before, so the two didn't think anything about it.

"Okay, be careful," Theo muttered.

Liam was about ready to scream, "I can take care of myself," but bit his tongue, "yes dear," he rolled his eyes.

Theo smiled.
Nolan, Brett, and Corey followed Liam down for dinner, taking their respective spots at the table. Food was served, and everyone dug in, well except for Liam.

Theo looked over at Liam, eating one lettuce leaf at a time, no dressing in sight. He quietly slid Liam's salad out the way, putting his pasta in front of him. Liam glared at him but chose not to say a word. Liam started chopping a noodle into pieces, piece after piece, eating the one noodle for five minutes. Theo looked at him, questioning ever move. By the time, Liam had finished; everyone else was almost done eating everything. Liam started on a second noodle; Theo started getting more concerned for him. Liam managed to eat three noodles before everyone else was done. He noticed everyone glancing over at him and put down his silverware. They all looked at each other as Liam abruptly got up and threw away his plate, leaving most of his food untouched.

"See you later," Liam threw his bookbag over his shoulder and headed out the door.

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