TW: eating disorders
Mason pulled in as Theo barely let him put it in park as he jumped out.
"I'm fine, Theo," Liam smiled as Theo wrapped his arms around him, "are you?"
Theo blushed, "I was worried about you."
"You don't need to worry that much," Liam gripped onto him.
"We have dinner ready since you must all be starving," Melissa looked at the whole crew. A bunch of nodded heads was her response.
Liam sat down beside Theo, still shaking, "Little Wolf."
"I'm fine," Liam said trying to pick up his water. Theo grabbed his hand trying to steady it. "Thanks."
Food was served, and everyone dug in except Liam.
"Li, you need to eat seriously," Theo stared at him.
"I can't."
"Yes, you can."
Liam shook his head, tears in his eyes.
"Liam it's okay."
Liam sat there while everyone else ate, holding Theo's hand. Melissa came over when everyone else was getting up.
"Will you take your supplement, please?" Melissa looked into the boy's eyes.
Liam nodded gripping Theo's hand even harder. Liam accepted Melissa hooking up his feeding tube and sat in the living room with everyone else.
"So, I think you should teach me some of your lacrosse moves," Parrish sat down beside Liam and Theo, trying to distract the boy.
"You're not too bad yourself," Liam smiled at the man."I mean you did beat up Brett pretty bad," Mason looked over at the werewolf.
"I was having an off day, at least I caught the ball," he glanced over at Corey.
"You try being in goal against Liam, next time!" Corey yelled at him.
"At least we decided, I'm better than Stiles," Theo smirked at the boy.
"Woah, Woah, I'd say we were even."
"I mean least I'm the superior one out of this couple," Derek smiled, punching Stiles's shoulder.
"Really, Derek? I think I showed you who's better," Peter stopped him.
"At least everyone else played fair," Scott looked at the two Hales.
"You just are cranky because Liam kicked your ass," Peter responded to the alpha.
"I mean he did," Nolan agreed with Peter.
"Nolan! Did you just agree with Peter?" Scott accused him.
"But Peter is right," Liam glanced at the older boy.
"Oh my gosh; you all did great," Lydia shut the boys up.
"Movie tonight?" Scott looked at them.
Everyone nodded.
"Horror, it's almost Halloween," Mason spoke up, receiving a glare from his boyfriend, "what I can just hold you tighter." Corey smiled at that.
"Okay," Lydia started reading off movies, "Heredity?"
"Doesn't the brother kill his sister by accident; I mean she was already possessed but," Brett looked over at Theo.
"Next," Lydia cut him off to avoid making Theo uncomfortable, "The Possession?"
"Evil spirit in a mental hospital," Peter glanced at Stiles.
"Okay, next, Howl?" Lydia laughed before anyone could even answer.
"Unfriended?" Lydia continued.
"Stupid," Malia looked at her.
"Us?" Lydia sighed.
"I don't think that one relates to any of us," Derek stopped her getting annoyed. Everyone else agreed on the movie.
Liam and Theo were curled up on the couch together; Parrish and Lydia took the other end. Scott and Malia were on the loveseat. Melissa and Argent pulled up chairs; Peter took an armchair. Derek and Stiles shoved themselves on the other one again. Mason and Corey as well as Brett and Nolan took the floor.
By the time the movie was done, the only ones that were awake were Derek, Parrish, Melissa, Argent, Peter, and Malia.
"Boys!" Melissa woke them up.
Parrish picked up Lydia and headed out. Mason and Corey, Brett, and Nolan said goodnight and drug themselves up towards their room. Malia shook Scott awake going up the stairs. Peter stood up getting ready to leave; Derek scooped up Stiles following him out the door. Melissa looked at Theo shaking Liam awake.
"Is he okay?" she asked the chimera.
Theo nodded as Liam's eyes slowly began to open.
"Little Wolf, let's go to bed," Theo picked up Liam's small body.
Theo threw off his clothes, getting in the shower as Liam was asleep on the bed. Theo heard footsteps as Liam opened the shower curtain.
"Didn't think you were going to shower without me did you?" Liam smiled still half sleeping.

Consumed By Pressure (Thiam TW)
FanfictionThe Puppy Pack has left Beacon Hills and are now attending college in New York. Liam's new role as alpha is taking a role on him. The rest of the pack has to save him before it's too late. TW: eating disorders, self harm