Chapter 43: Control

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TW: eating disorders

"I love them, but I need a break from that many people," Brett smiled, pulling in Nolan who collapsed on his side.

"Agreed," Theo looked at Liam who was staring at the ground, "are you okay?"

"Of course," Liam smiled at him.

"Want to go play something?" Mason asked them.

"You're on," Liam smirked.

The boys went in and played video games for the afternoon like old times.

"Can you let us win once?" Mason looked at Nolan, staring at the other three with supernatural reflexes.

"Mason, I did win twice," Nolan smirked, "it's just you."

"Why do I even play with you guys?"

"Because I'm just that good," Liam smiled at his best friend.

"Guess we should probably get dinner soon," Brett said, starving meanwhile he just ate two bags of popcorn.

"What do you guys want?" Mason asked them, "Liam?"

"I don't care," Liam shrugged.

"Liam, I'm going to order pizza if you don't answer," Theo looked at his boyfriend, clearly not wanting anything.

"That's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I just said I would eat it."

"Okay, Little Wolf."

Brett picked up the phone and ordered pizza. Liam went upstairs to get his stuff ready for school or something. Theo just assumed he wanted to be alone for a little bit.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Brett looked over at him.

"I think so; I mean it's not going to be a smooth transition, but he's Liam."

"We will just all keep an eye on him," Corey looked at them. Everyone nodded.

Liam went up to their room staring in the mirror. He looked at his collarbones jutting out of his hoodie, sunken in cheekbones, black circles under his eyes, no wonder everyone was worried about him. He gripped on to his arm, watching blood come out of the claw marks. He was fine; he just needed to ground himself. He thought to himself. He ignored the black spots in his vision; he can do this it's just pizza. Literal flour and cheese; he's fought monsters of all shapes and sizes. He could do this. Liam sighed as he heard Nolan and Brett leave to pick it up. He heard Mason walking up the stairs; he prayed that he wasn't coming in. He quickly went into the restroom and washed off the blood; after the wounds looked like they were going to start closing.

Corey and Theo were left alone in the living room. They were friends now, but it was always slightly weird between those two alone.



"I'm impressed. You have handled this well."

"Thanks, Corey. I don't know who I would be without Liam."

"I don't know I always felt like this side of you existed."

"Corey, you and I both know it wasn't."

"I don't know you regretted what you did pretty quickly."

"Well, having your sister haunt you in purgatory isn't great."

"Or did you always secretly feel guilty and suppressed it?"

"What are you a psychologist now?"

"Don't doubt me, Theo," Corey smirked.

Mason came back down the stairs as Brett and Nolan were walking back in the door. Liam heard the door open and decided he better go down before someone came up thinking something was wrong.

"Liam!" Theo called him as Liam was halfway down the stairs.

"Geez, there is no need to yell," Liam glared at him.

Theo laughed, "no need to get angry either."

Liam stared at the pizza, the smell itself was almost making him throw up on the spot.

"You can eat something else," Theo looked at him, feeling the anxiety radiating off of him.

"I can do it."

Liam grabbed one slice, while everyone else had at least 3. He sat in between Mason and Theo almost hoping their presence would help him out. He took his first bite and fought to put his nausea down. It took him a while, but he finished the slice.

"Do you want anymore?" Theo looked at him, knowing he needed to eat more, but also doesn't want to push him.

"I can't," Liam looked at him leaning back in his chair. Theo grabbed his hand seeing he was in pain. "Eating hurts, you that much?"

"You don't know how hard I'm trying not to throw up right now."

"It's okay, just focus on something else."
"Like what?"


Theo picked up Liam gently, wincing at how he was continually losing weight.

"Do you everything ready for tomorrow?" Theo asked him, "I'm not let you run around the room at 5 AM."

"I guess I can pack my bag."

"Focus on that."

Liam threw his school stuff in his bookbag and began packing his lacrosse bag.

"Liam, you aren't going to lacrosse right now are you?"

"Theo, I have to practice isn't optional."

"I'm pretty sure your health comes before lacrosse, plus Coach knows what you can do."

"I'm going."

"No, you're not. You are going to pass out as soon as you go onto the field."

"I'm going," Liam said anger building in his voice, he was clenching his fists trying not to wolf out.

"Liam, calm down; I'm just looking out for you."

"If I am going to get better, I'm doing it my way."

"I don't think that's going to work for you."

"Trust me."

"I trust you Little Wolf, but I also think you need to know when you need help."

"I have your help."

"Okay, Liam, you can go tomorrow, but if the doctor argues against you. I'm stopping you after tomorrow, don't fight me."


Liam went to go get a shower, and Theo went over to Mason and Corey's room.
"He wants to go to practice tomorrow," Theo told them.

"No way," Mason looked at the chimera.

"He's going to die," Corey agreed with his boyfriend.

"He said if he is going to recover; he wants to do it his way."

"That sounds like Liam, but that isn't going to work," Mason looked at them, "he's going to have to give up some control."

Theo nodded unsure of what to do.

"Let him go tomorrow, but if he passes out he's done until his health improves," Mason decided.

Theo nodded heading back to Liam getting out of the shower.

"You're shaking," Theo looked at him.

"I'm cold," Liam stared at him, "hand me a sweatshirt please."

Theo grabbed a hoodie out of Liam's closet and pulled it over the boy's head, pulling him into his body.

"Let's get you under the covers."

Theo left Liam in bed and got a shower himself, before getting into bed with the boy.

"I love you, Theo," Liam looked at him feeling guilty at snapping at him earlier.

"I love you too."

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