TW: eating disorders
Theo and Liam went downstairs everyone else was already down there.
"Is that going to be warm enough for you Liam?" Scott looked at him.
"Funny, dad," Liam rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious," Scott responded.
Malia looked over at him, "geez you are acting like his dad."
"I got Theo to keep me warm," Liam looked at him.
"And at that, we are leaving," Stiles butted in.
Theo, Liam, Brett, and Nolan got into Theo's truck.
"Brett, why do you look so excited about this?" Theo looked in his rearview mirror.
"Theo, drop your tough guy act, it's going to be fun," Brett smirked.
They pulled in; Theo had no idea who was more excited Mason, Scott, Brett, or Stiles.
"Are you smiling?" Liam looked at him.
"Yepp, just seeing you smile makes me happy," Theo glared at his boyfriend.
"I'm not smiling; I'm freezing," Liam looked at him.
"Now you are, Little Wolf," Theo wrapped his arm around him.
"We have to get on a hayride," Peter rolled his eyes at Malia.
"Yes!" Malia grabbed his hand.
"I guess we are going," Scott looked at them.
Derek and Stiles were wrapped arm and arm, looking like the cutest couple next to Mason and Corey who were full-on couple mode. Scott was chasing after Malia and Peter. Parrish and Lydia as well as Melissa and Chris were following calmly. Brett was about ready to drag Nolan as they were waiting for Theo and Liam.
"Are you two coming?" Brett asked them.
"Yes, we will, go ahead," Theo looked at him, indicating he wanted them to go. Nolan looked at Liam, making sure he was okay but went along with Brett anyways.
Theo turned to him, "breath, you have to breathe."
Liam was almost crying, shaking.
"What's wrong? I need you to calm down," Theo looked into his eyes as they flashed red, "Liam, it's me Theo. I love you."
Liam took a moment, "sorry, panic attack."
Theo wrapped Liam in his arms, "what happened?"
"Mom and I used to come to a pumpkin patch every year, sorry," Liam muttered.
"Stop apologizing; are you okay?" Theo asked, "you look like you are about to pass out."
"I'm okay," ignoring the black spots in his vision, "let's just catch up to everyone before they know something is up. Thanks for covering for me by the way."
"You're welcome Little Wolf," Theo smiled taking his arm underneath's Liam's.
"Where did you two go?' Mason turned as they were about to get onto the hayride.
"We just wanted to walk slower," Theo glared at Mason, indicating drop it.
The pack got on the hayride, "why is this fun?" Peter groaned.
"Shut up," Malia looked at him smiling ear to ear.
Liam was lying his head on Theo's shoulder, trying to keep his eyes open.
Mason was sitting on the other side of him, "are you okay?"
Liam nodded.
They arrived at the patch; there were people everywhere.

Consumed By Pressure (Thiam TW)
FanfictionThe Puppy Pack has left Beacon Hills and are now attending college in New York. Liam's new role as alpha is taking a role on him. The rest of the pack has to save him before it's too late. TW: eating disorders, self harm