Chapter 39: Game Point

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Liam got the ball first throwing it to Stiles. Theo quickly intercepted it, "got to be faster Stilinski."

He ran towards Brett, passing him the ball. Parrish was quickly on him, knocking him to the ground.

"Did you just get beaten up by an old man?" Theo looked at him.

"Shut up Raeken," he said running after Parrish. Parrish passed to Peter who Derek attacked.

"That's not a fair play, Mason," Liam looked at him.

Mason stared at Peter and Derek fighting it out, "I don't want to get in the middle of that."

Liam saw the ball roll out of Peter's net, quickly picking it up running to an unexpecting Corey, easily scoring.

"Derek, Peter! Liam just scored, get off of each other," Mason screamed at them.

Brett growled at Theo, "why does your boyfriend have to be good?"

"I wish he wasn't for once," Theo smirked.

The next faceoff, Scott got the ball from Liam, exhausting from running, passing to Theo. Stiles knocked it out of his net.

"Oh, you want to play that game?" Theo growled at Stiles.

"Got to be quicker, Raeken."

Peter picked up the ball running towards Parrish passing him the ball before Derek tackled him. Brett intercepted but got knocked down by Parrish once again. Scott grabbed the ball as Liam lunged at him, knocking the alpha to the ground. Stiles took the ball as Theo jumped at him making him throw it off to Peter. Derek stole it from him throwing it to Brett who instantly turned to shoot at Nolan except Nolan knew his boyfriend's moves and caught the ball.

"Nice try, babe," Nolan smirked at him.

"You're going to regret that."

"Will he?" Liam grabbed the ball off of Nolan's throw sprinting off towards Corey. Scott tried chasing after him, followed by Theo, but they knew it was too late as the ball entered the net.

Liam felt his head go fuzzy; Theo went over to him, "are you okay?"

Liam nodded.

"Take a break if you need it, Liam," Scott came running over to them.

"I'm fine," Liam smiled, "you just want me out."

"I'm serious Liam."

"And I'm seriously fine."

Scott didn't even have to try taking the ball off Liam as Liam didn't have the energy left to jump for it. He passed it to Theo who dodged Stiles this time. Theo tossed it to Derek, who managed to get rid of it to Brett before Peter knocked him to the ground. Brett wasn't taking it from Parrish this time, jumping over the man, throwing it too quickly to Nolan to catch it.

"Finally!" Brett smiled at Theo.

"We just needed to warm up," Derek looked at them groaning in pain as Peter and he both were coated in bruises.

Liam regained some of his energy, grabbing the ball before Scott, whipping it to Stiles. Stiles dodged Theo this time throwing it to Parrish who ran down the field, faster than Brett throwing it towards the net. Corey was ready this time, catching the hellhound's throw. Derek smiled as Corey threw it back to him, knocking Peter to the ground this time before he took off running. He passed it to Theo who drove through Stiles, throwing it towards Nolan. Nolan wasn't even expecting the chimera's throw to have that much power, missing the ball as it landed in the net.

"2-2, game point," Mason looked at them. He could tell Liam was wearing out, Peter and Derek were about to kill each other, Nolan was losing focus, and Theo and Stiles were at each other's throats.

Liam got the ball off Scott in the face-off throwing it to Stiles. Stiles saw Theo coming out the corner of his eye and whipped it back to Liam. Scott lunged at Liam, but the younger alpha jumped over him. He went running down the field. Derek went for him, noticing Scott was off guard, but Peter stopped his motives knocking him to the ground. Theo and Stiles were wrestling on the ground. Parrish and Brett ran after Liam, but it was too late for Brett to catch up. Liam threw it at Corey, who was taken aback from the power the alpha managed to have in his small body and watched as it perfectly landed in the goal.

Liam instantly fell to the ground. Scott ran towards him, followed by Stiles and Theo.

"Liam!" Scott ran to his body on the ground.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea," Theo looked over at Stiles.

"He's breathing," Scott looked up at them.

"Liam, c'mon wake up," Theo grabbed his body from Scott.

Everyone came over at this point. Theo held his hand, taking away some of Liam's pain. Liam slowly opened his eyes. Scott was checking his pulse as Liam was blinking in and out of consciousness.

"Let's get him home," Parrish looked at Theo. Theo nodded, staring at Liam in his arms unmoving. He felt his own breathing getting more rapid. He was shaking; it was his fault. He should have told Liam no. Theo knew something like this was going to happen; he should have ended the game last round. He watched Liam wear down.

"Theo," Scott looked into the chimera's eyes who were flashing yellow, "Theo, he's going to fine."

Parrish pulled Theo off of Liam, "let go of me," Theo looked at the hellhound who held him tight in his arms. Malia went over to Theo, seeing he was having a panic attack.

"Theo, you need to breathe," Malia stared into his eyes. Brett came over to help her, grabbing Theo's hand in Parrish's grasp as Theo finally calmed down, falling to his knees.

"Theo, breathe," Brett sat down beside his friend, "Scott, Nolan, Lydia, and Stiles have Liam, focus on us.

Theo regained his composure and Parrish and Brett pulled him off the ground. Corey, Malia Derek, Mason, and Peter were staring at him, making sure he was okay.

"I need to get Liam," Theo looked at them.

"He's fine, Theo, we are going right now," Mason grabbed his friend's shoulder. Corey and Brett made sure Theo didn't break down again and walked towards Mason's car.

Malia, Peter, Derek, and Parrish looked at one another.

"He cares about the little one," Peter looked at them.

"He does a lot," Parrish agreed.

Liam regained consciousness in the back of the jeep lying on top of Nolan and Scott.

"Where's Theo? Is he okay?" Liam tried to sit up panicking, remembering Theo's breathing as Parrish pulled him off of him.

"Keep down, Liam," Nolan looked at him, "Theo's okay he's with Mason, Corey, and Brett. He just had a panic attack."

"Don't blame yourself," Scott saw Liam's head begin to spin, "it can happen to anyone. He cares about you."

Stiles and Lydia looked back.

"Are you okay, Liam? You?" Lydia asked him.

"I just was worn out," Liam muttered.

"Maybe if you wouldn't have scored three times," Stiles smirked.

"We still won; that's all that counts," Liam looked at him, lying back down on Scott.

Stiles pulled in as Melissa and Argent were sitting on the porch, "we are in trouble."

"Yepp," Scott mumbled.

"Liam! Are you okay?" Melissa looked at Liam, leaning on Scott and Nolan.

"I just got worn out."

"Maybe since you weren't supposed to play at all," Chris looked at him, fathering him.

"Did you have fun at least?" Melissa looked at him.

Liam nodded.

"I guess we can let it go this time."

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