Chapter 29: Looking for Peace

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TW: eating disorders

Melissa came up the stairs with something to calm Liam's stomach, "I figured this is where you two went; it's going to take time for your stomach to get used to having something in it."

Theo picked Liam off the ground; Melissa handed him some water. Liam graciously accepted it.

"My son decided that we should watch a movie; if you guys are interested, but I think someone might need some rest," Melissa said before heading back down.

"What are you feeling like Little Wolf?" Theo asked him as Liam threw on one of Theo's sweatshirts.

"I mean it's either lay on you up here or down there, so let's go make Stiles cringe," Liam smirked.

"This is why I love you," Theo said kissing Liam on the neck.

They went down while the pack was still fighting over what movie they wanted to watch.

"Star Wars," Stiles told them.

"Just because you think everyone needs to watch it," Malia looked at him, "doesn't mean we have to. I think we should watch the Hunger Games."

"You just like the gore," Lydia brushed her off, "the Notebook is such a better option."

"If you want me to fall asleep," Brett glared at her, "Underground 6 is more entertaining."

"Way too much violence right now," Mason looked at him, "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer Stone."

"Insidious," Derek spoke.

"No!" Corey and Nolan said in unison.

"I'm going to bed if you guys don't pick soon," Parrish muttered; Peter nodded. Melissa and Argent already left for the night.

"Liam, you pick," Stiles looked at him.

Theo knew what he was going to pick.

"Avengers," Liam smiled.

"Thank you," Peter started the movie immediately.

Scott and Malia curled up on the couch with Lydia and Parrish on the other end of the couch. Peter sat in one of the armchairs facing the TV; Derek and Stiles shoved themselves onto the other one together. Mason and Corey took the futon. Brett and Nolan, Theo and Liam went onto the floor in their own mound of blankets.

Loki hadn't even made his appearance before Liam was asleep on top of Theo. After the movie was done, Theo carried Liam up the stairs and laid him down in bed, before getting ready himself.

Theo collapsed in the bed happy to have Liam in his arms.

"Theo, how long do you think this will last?" Liam opened his eyes.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Since, the movie ended," Liam smirked.

"So, you made me carry you the whole way up here."

"I'm light."

"Too light, Little Wolf, but we will worry about that later."

Liam smiled pulling Theo down on of him.

"Still strong though," Theo looked into his blue eyes, "and about how long this will last, not having to fight for our lives. I don't know, but let's just enjoy this."

Liam accepted Theo's lips against his.

The smell of coffee engulfed the house as Theo and Liam walked downstairs.

"I can't even look at you two right now," Malia muttered.

Theo blushed realizing the guest bedroom was beside theirs.

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