Chapter 10: Uninvited Guest

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*Short for suspense :)

Theo pulled into their house, where Nolan and Brett began dinner already. Liam and Corey went up to shower, where Mason and Theo did at the gym.

"You're home early?" Brett asked, looking at the clock.

"Someone loss control," Theo looked at the werewolf.


"Red eyed and everything; he clawed Corey pretty bad."

"I'll watch him next time," Brett looked at the chimera.

Corey came back down as dinner was ready, "Liam's still in the shower."

Theo nodded, giving him a few more minutes.

"Anyone expect any guests?" Mason looked out the window.

"Ya, my grandma," Theo retorted.

"Haha, funny, but I'm serious. There's a car pulling in," Mason looked at the chimera.

Theo and Brett stood up and went towards the door, prepared for the worse, walking onto the porch. Theo had his claws out, Brett on the verge of shifting.

"Wow, what a welcoming committee," the man smirked.

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