one | leaving

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"All right everyone, have a great summer break!" The bell rang, indicating that the day was over, and everyone cheered jumping out of their seats.

"LET'S GOOOO" Taehyung grabbed mine and Jimin's wrists and I laughed running with him. We ran outside then Taehyung stopped running, but started rambling on instead.

"OK LET'S GO KARAOKE, THE MOVIES, THE PARK, OOHHH SHALL WE-" "Yah Taehyung, you always do what you want to do, let us choose for once" I whined.

He groaned and said, "Fine, but hurry before I decide." He didn't even give me one second to think before he started running again.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" "WE'RE GOING TO JIMIN'S HOMELAND!" "...My what?" Jimin asked confused. "TO THE PARKK WE GOOO"

"YAH, TAE-" "wE'rE gOiNg To tHe PaRk, We'Re GoNnA sEe Da PaRk"

Honestly sometimes I question Taehyung's sanity...

We reached the park and Taehyung just started running around looking like a mad man. "WE'RE FINALLY FREEEEE"

"Is he on drugs?" I whispered to Jimin and he just shrugged, going over to the grass and sitting down.

Taehyung carried on running around, guess he would only stop once he's drained. I sat down next to Jimin and he sighed.

I titled my head to the side as I looked at him. "You ok? You don't seem as lively as usual." "I'm not Tae" he chuckled but I could see right through it.

"What's going on?" He sighed and turned to look at Taehyung with a sad smile before turning back around.

"This is probably the last time we're all gonna be together..." Taehyung somehow magically heard what he said and ran over, looking like a panicked puppy.

He sighed and said, "I'm leaving abroad... I don't know how long for." "W... what?" I stuttered and Jimin looked down nodding.

"My parents won't tell me why... but we have to go tomorrow morning... they only told me today."

It was silent for a minute before Taehyung back hugged him tightly. "We'll still keep in touch... and we'll meet sometime in the future, right? Whenever that is."

Jimin smiled weakly, and sadly, nodding. I sighed then got up, a smile plastering on my face. "Alright! Let's go and have some fun, then! When do you have to be home by?" "...Now."

"Huh?" Taehyung let go of Jimin as the older stood up, sighing. "I was meant to go straight after school, but I wanted to spend some time with you..." He said, sadness in his voice.

"...O...oh..." Taehyung sighed sadly then I hugged Jimin. "I'll miss you..." Tae hugged Jimin from behind and said, "Me too..." "Me three..." Jimin whispered and we just stayed like that, not wanting to let go.

A minute later though, I heard Jimin sigh. "I really have to go now..." "Right" I pulled back but Taehyung still held onto him like a koala. "Don't go..." he whined. "I have to... let me go, come on."

"No." Jimin sighed for the hundredth time today and held onto Taehyung's legs as the younger wrapped his arms loosely around his neck.

"Let's go" Jimin said and I walked with them, Jimin giving a pouting Tae a piggyback ride.

We reached Jimin's home quicker than we expected. "Tae" he sighed and Taehyung sighed too, slowly getting off Jimin's back.

"Keep in touch, ok? Text everyday and call too, also-" Jimin chuckled cutting him off and hugged the younger for the last time.

"I'll text and everything, don't worry." He pulled back and smiled at Tae before turning around. I was looking at the ground, upset.

Jimin hugged me and I hugged him back tightly, not wanting him to go. But he pulled back, getting out his keys. "Bye..." he whispered and we said bye too.

He then unlocked the door and went in, us seeing him for the last time in a very long time.

We just stood there for a minute before Taehyung sighed and started walking away. I followed him quietly for a while before he stopped then turned to look at me.

"Do you just wanna go home...?" "Yeah..." I didn't feel like doing anything. "Ok" he sighed and we went out seperate ways.

Everything was going to be different from now on. I still had Tae, but without Jimin it would be less lively, less fun, less everything.

But I would have to live with it. We would still be able to contact each other, right? That's what matters.

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