five | talk to us

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A/n: back to Y/n's POV

After school, I went straight to Taehyung's house. I have to tell him.

I rang the bell and a minute later the door opened. "What is i-" I very politely barged straight past him and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

As I took a sip Tae came walking up to me. "You ok?" he asked a bit concerned. "No." I slammed the glass down on the table maybe too hard but I didn't care.

"Wh-" "Jimin's back." "WHAT?!" I looked at him then said, "But he won't talk to me. He seems... tired..? Ugh I don't know." I sighed and went into the living room and plopped down on the couch.

Tae sat down next me then asked, "Did you ask why he didn't contact us the whole time? Why did he come back?" "Do you think I'd be here if I'd known?" "...True."

He sighed and said, "Tell him I want to meet him... I miss him... really bad." I looked at him and he was staring at floor with sad eyes.

I sighed and got up. "Well I came to tell you about Jimin... I'll get going." I was about to leave but Taehyung got hold of my wrist. "Try to get him talking to you, please. I miss him." "Me too... and I will."

He let go of my wrist and I went back home, wondering why Jimin didn't want to talk.

"Just leave me alone... forget about me, please."

He seemed desperate... but why?? Did something actually happen? What is it that made Jimin like this?

I didn't know, but I did know that it was something bad.


The next day I couldn't find Jimin in the cafeteria at lunch so I figured that he might be outside.

So I went to look for him. And I found him. He was in the same place as yesterday, sitting on the grass and leaning against a tree.

I walked over slowly and sat down next to him. He sighed and was about to get up but I held onto his arm gently.

"Don't leave again... please." He was silent so I just leaned my head on his shoulder, staring off into the distance.

It was quiet until I spoke up. "I'm ok, so is Tae. That cute guy you saw in the classroom... his name is Jungkook. We call him Kook, Koo, whatever really. He's really cute, sensitive and innocent too."

I smiled and said, "He even cried when Tae said he was transferring schools... poor little boy... But we still see each other often. It's you that we're sad about."

I sighed and said, "I won't forget about you, Jimin, never. Both of us won't. Tae... he really misses you... can't we all meet up? It's been so long."

He was still silent so I leaned back and looked at him. I was startled to see him crying. He noticed me looking at him and wiped his tears away quickly.

"...You won't tell me, will you?" He sniffed and said, "I can't... I... I'm sorry..." He was about to get up, but I stopped him again. But this time, I turned him to the side and pulled him into a warm hug.

"...You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Jimin... but don't shut us out like this... It hurts..." He didn't hug back, he was stuck in place.

I sighed and said, "I don't know what happened... but don't be like this. Talk to us, spend time with us... it'll help whatever you're going through."

Sniff. I hugged him closer and he sniffed again. He still didn't hug back, just cried in my embrace.

I knew it would have to be like this. He wouldn't tell us what happened... but he could still spend time with us. He didn't have to be alone, we're here for him.

I just hope he knows that.

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