eight | trust

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I gave Jimin some space that day. But I wanted him to open up soon. Whatever he was going through, I didn't want it to drag on for long.

So, after school the next day I looked around for Jimin and saw him walking with his head low, hands in his hoodie pocket. "Jimin?" He looked up at me with a blank stare and I sighed before saying, "Let's talk."

His face remained the same, blank. So I held his arm gently and started walking, he didn't say a word.

We ended walking to the park, sitting down on a bench. Silence consumed us, and I hated it.

"Jimin... don't you trust me?" I looked at him and was taken aback to see him staring right at me, but with those familiar empty eyes.

He looked away and said, "I've grown to not trust anyone anymore" he simply said and it brought a knot to my heart, not knowing why.

"We've know each other for years... you know me. I won't hurt you, judge you, whatever it is. You know I'll help you." He looked at me, he seemed unsure. Maybe he was considering it.

"I don't want you to suffer for long... or at all. It won't get better unless you let it out, Jimin." He bit his lip and looked at the ground, deep in thought.

He knew he could trust Y/n, so why was he still scared? His trust issues got the best of him. There's people he thought he could trust, and those same people brought hell to him.

But he had to let it out. Everything was killing him inside, and he desperately wanted it to stop. So, he decided to finally say what was wrong.

"My parents died." I widened my eyes, and Jimin's eyes started tearing up. "I was blamed for it... when it wasn't my fault at all. I was framed."

He laughed to himself then said, "I let it get to me that easily. I'm so weak and pathetic, just like they said." "...Who's they...?" "The people I thought I trusted."

It went silent, I was unsure of what to do. After a minute, I turned Jimin to face me and he started at me with blank eyes. It was always like this. He either seemed empty, or otherwise he was sad.

I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms slowly around his waist. He didn't move, only staying silent in my arms.

After a minute though, he pulled back. "Don't... I hate myself like this... all weak." He stood up then said, Don't tell anyone, please. I just wanted to let it out."

With that he walked off, and I knew well enough to let him go. I hated to, but it made it worse for him, and I didn't want that.

How was I supposed to help him get better when he even hates the fact that he's being embraced?

Even so, he told me. He let it out, which maybe helped him a little. Your feelings can easily get trapped up inside you and will beat you up, without anyone knowing. So, letting it out to someone is a start.

I just had to get him to trust me more, allow him to let everything else out. Then I can understand him better, and slowly help him.

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