thirty-one | turned upside down

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A/n: This chapter is told in Jimin's POV


I widened my eyes even more, my body tensing up at the way too familiar voice.

I turned around, my suspicions being right.

The guy who ruined my life... The guy I thought I could trust but couldn't.

Was right in front of me.

He smirked as he looked behind me and I held onto Y/n's wrist, pulling her behind me.

He just scoffed and crossed his arms, staring at me. "You think you can protect her? You can't even protect yourself."

Just then two other guys walked into the room, my other two so called 'friends'.

"What are you doing here?" I asked angrily but all I got a response was a cocky smirk.

"Hold him back" he told the other two guys and I tensed up.

The two guys came and pulled me away from Y/n, I tried to fight back but I was no match for them.

They pushed me up against the wall and something was injected into Y/n. I widened my eyes and she collapsed a few seconds after.

"What did you do?!" The guy sighed and walked over to me, staring into my eyes. "Don't worry, she'll wake up." I glared at him, but he just smiled back.

"Long time no see, Chim. How ya been?" "Don't call me that" I growled trying to control my anger.

He sighed and looked at Y/n. "So you have a crush, hmm?" "What's it to you?" He looked at one of the guys holding me against the wall and said, "pull up his sleeve."

My sleeve was pulled down harshly and I panicked knowing why.

"Thought you were weak like that..." He froze, as if something clicked to him.

He grabbed onto my tracksuit trousers, pulling them down. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He pulled them back up and smirked at me, titling his head to the side.

"I feel sorry for your little crush, I mean... How can you love her when you don't even love yourself?"

That's it... I'm done for... he's seen the cuts... the scars. He knows I'm weak.

I looked down, but he grabbed my chin with his hand harshly and made me look at him.

"Why aren't you saying anything, hmm? I thought you'd throw a temper." He smirked then said, "That just makes you more weak."

I opened my mouth to say something back, but I couldn't.

He was right.

I'm too weak to do anything.

I thought I was getting better, but even then I'm still like this.

Weak, pathetic, useless...

"Secure his arm." Another hand was put on my lower arm, keeping it in place. I looked up to see the guy pulling out a small knife.

"This'll remind you of who you really are." He looked to the other guy holding me down and said, "Keep him quiet, don't wanna alert the neighbours."

I widened my eyes and my mouth was covered with a hand, so I couldn't make any noise.

I tried to scream when the knife cut against my skin, but it came out muffled. I couldn't do anything. I was useless.

So I closed my eyes, crying out with tears flowing down my cheeks non-stop.

The knife cut my skin, very slowly. It felt like forever, I don't know how I managed to stay conscious.

It hurt more than anything before. All the times I had hurt myself before, it was all that pain combined.

I felt like I deserved it though.

It felt like a punishment for all those times I harmed myself, knowing it was wrong but still doing it.

Because it was me. Too weak to hold myself back, too pathetic to fight the world as it is.

I couldn't fight that.

And I clearly knew that now.

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