thirty-six | talk it out

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Taehyung leaned back and Jimin put his head down, endless tears rolling down his cheeks.

Taehyung put his hand on the older's cheek making him look at him. He sighed and said, "You need to go to the hospital..."

Jimin widened his eyes and the older pulled his hand back, a more serious look on his face.

"Look at you. You're pale as a ghost, your arm is still healing and now-" He sighed and looked away, fighting with himself.

He didn't want to take him to hospital, it would ruin the poor boy. But it would help... it would-

"Please... I'll take better care of myself... just... I don't want to go there..." Taehyung looked at the older who was giving pleading eyes that eventually made him give in.

"Ok" he sighed then said, "As long as you promise to not hurt yourself again, and eat properly too." "I promise..."

Taehyung didn't know how well he could trust that he'd keep the promise, but he wanted to. So he did.

He patted the older's shoulder then said, "I'll get some food. Wash up- oh. Can you get up?" "Probably not..." "Ok... just wait here then."

Jimin nodded and Taehyung went downstairs to get something to eat. He came back up 5 minutes later and helped the older eat as he was too weak.

"...I can't eat anymore..." Taehyung sighed then said, "Try to eat a little more if you don't feel sick... you need to."

Jimin sighed and had the slightest more before shaking his head saying he can't anymore.

Taehyung put the bowl on the bedside table then looked at Jimin who was staring at the wall.

"...You're refraining yourself aren't you? You probably have a lot of questions..." "Can I ask them?" Jimin stayed silent for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Those guys who broke in... who were they?" "...My past friends." It was silent for a moment before he asked, "Did Y/n tell you? About what happened..?" "Yeah... she did."

He sighed and looked down sadly. "I feel terrible about yelling her... I shouldn't have... I know she was only trying to help and that's what I did in return."

Taehyung sighed then said, "Jimin... if you feel bad, don't beat yourself about it. Talk to her... tell her you're sorry. Nothing's going to change if you sit still."

Jimin turned to look at the younger slowly. "...Should I?" "Of course... she was so worried about you, she called after school worrying about how you didn't come to school today... she probably wanted to check on you so bad but she knew to keep her distance."

Jimin looked down again and Taehyung got up, looking down at the older.

"First, you need to wash up. You look terrible."

Jimin nodded and got up with Taehyung's help, going to the bathroom.

"Will you be ok by yourself?" "Yeah..." "Ok." He turned around but then froze, turning back around again. "Where do you keep it?" "...What?" "You know what."

After a moment he realised what he was talking about - the blade. He went to open a draw and got it out, handing it to Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed and went out, not aware of Jimin's rushing thoughts.

Jimin didn't tell him everything...

He didn't just harm himself...

He nearly killed himself.

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