eleven | weak

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A/n: sorry I haven't been updating I've been busy with going back to school 😩

It's terrible, I have 6 lessons now and I'm exhausted once I get home, can barely do work 😔


Here's a triple update to catch up, and I guess to celebrate our baby's birthday... 😆 anyways READ ON MA PRECIOUS ARMYSS


We went to Jimin's home, well, new home. We went upstairs and Jimin immediately fell face first on the bed, groaning loudly.

"...You want water or anything else?" "No... I just wanna sleep." "Ok... what happened though? You were sick?" Silence. I went over and turned him around gently, too see him asleep. With furrowed eyebrows and parted lips.

I sighed and put the blanket over him, carefully moving his head to properly rest on the pillow.

I sat down on the bed looking at him. He seemed so weak... and fragile. He had become an entirely different person. He's no longer bubbly and cheerful, but closed off and sad all the time.


After school time finished, I got a call from Taehyung, panic evident in his voice.

Y/n, how's Jimin? Kook told me that he was sick in toilets... how is he now?

I looked at Jimin and he was in a deep sleep.

He's been sleeping since then. He looks so weak though...

I heard Taehyung sigh then he asked, can I come over?

I was about to answer ok but then remembered something.

I hate myself like this... all weak.

Umm... I'm pretty sure that more than one person here will overwhelm him...

...Oh... leave it then. Text me later when he wakes up yeah?

Yeah, see you.

We hung up and I sighed putting down my phone. I snapped my head over when I heard a quiet, painful groan.

Jimin coughed then quickly covered his mouth with widened eyes, getting up and running into the bathroom.

I ran after him panicked and he put up the toilet lid, throwing up for the second time today.

"Jimin!" I ran over quickly and patted his back, wincing as Jimin couldn't seem to stop.

After a minute he stopped and coughed a couple times before panting with his eyes closed. I rubbed his back soothingly saying soothing words but it didn't seem to help, it's as if he wasn't listening.

He got up, his legs wobbling slightly, flushing the toilet. He turned away from me without a glance and went to rinse his mouth, he brushed his teeth too.

He spat the toothpaste out and put his hands either side of the sink, putting his head down.

He stayed like that and I slowly went closer to him, putting a hand on his arm. But he pulled it back straight away, turning the other way ready to leave but I held onto his arm again gently.

"Don't ignore me please..." "...I don't want you to see me like this" he whispered and my eyes softened. I turned him around slowly and he was looking down, his eyes a little teary and his face and body looked extremely weak.

"It's hurts more when you're suffering on your own like this... you can let it all out at me, ok? I'm here for you, as a friend. I won't judge you, use this against you... I'll try my best to help you. Because that's what true friends are for."

He just stared at the floor, his eyes tearing up and I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Don't shut me out... don't shut yourself out. I don't know what's going on yet, but let me help before it gets worse..."

He nodded into my neck and sniffed, but didn't cry. I didn't know if that was good or not, knowing that he can seem pretty empty at times...

But the pair of arms that hesitantly wrapped around my waist told me otherwise.

"O...ok... I'll... tell you... because I trust you."

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