twenty-four | alone

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A week passed. Jimin started eating a little but he seemed even more depressed than ever. And he didn't even bother hiding it from anyone. Everyone was worried and keep trying to get to him, but he shut everyone out.

He even shut me out... but I knew that I had to get to him somehow. I'm the only one he opened up to, and I'm sure that if he would open up to anybody right now it would be me.

So, after school, unlike how things had been the last week, I ran up to Jimin and walked beside him. He stopped and turned to look at me with an unreadable expression.

I sighed and said, "Let's go." I started walking but he stayed in place. "Jimin" I sighed and turned around but as I did so he walked straight past me, our shoulders brushing against each other.

I blinked a few times to get into my senses then I sped walked upto him, holding onto his arm.

"Stop ignoring us, plea-" "LET ME GO!" I flinched at his sudden outburst and slowly let go of his arm, feeling intimidated from his stare.

He pulled his arm back harshly and walked off, leaving me there dumbfounded.

"...Y/n?" I turned around and saw Jungkook staring worriedly in the distance where Jimin was walking off.

I sighed and said, "He's in a bad mood Kook... leave him alone." I walked past the confused Jungkook, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

I don't why, but I felt... hurt..? That Jimin snapped at me like that? It really scared the hell out of me for a minute... and his stare... it felt really intimidating.

I was so determined to get to him... but all that went down the drain when he snapped at me like that.

I mean... I don't blame him. He's going through so much and his mind is probably so messed up right now...

I stopped in my tracks.

I shouldn't leave him like that... he's lonely, feeling terrible and tired with everything.

I turned around, starting to run.

He can't be alone...

He needs someone to be there for him...

He may appear like he wants to be alone...

But deep, deep inside, we all want someone to be by our side.

I ran and ran, and eventually I saw Jimin walking in the distance. I ran upto him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly from behind and panting to catch my breath.

Jimin only stopped walking, neither tensing up or wanting hug back.

No, he pulled my arms off him and started walking again, making me frown.

"Just stop will you, please!" he ignored me and carried on walking.

I had enough.

I speed walked up to him, grabbing his wrist and turning him around. "Please stop saying that you want to be left alone... stop going against what you want, please... don't do this to yourself."

He stared into my eyes, with such a blank expression. Not for one split moment when the words left my mouth did his expression change.

"I'm not going against what I want... I've had enough of that. I'm doing what I want now, and what I want IS to be left alone."

I stared deep into eyes, hoping to read him but it was impossible, he had stone cold eyes.

I slowly let go of his wrist, letting my arm drop to my side.

"Ok... but if you want someone to be there... don't be alone. I'm always here, Jimin. I care about you."

He nodded, almost as if he wasn't listening anyways, then turned the other way and walked off.

And I Iet him this time.

Did he really want to be alone..? Was he that broken?

I sighed and stared down at the ground, my heart clenched.

I didn't know what to do at this point... I feel so useless and that I can't do anything...

But I couldn't loose hope in him. He's getting better, and I'm not giving up on that.

He will get better...

He has to.

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