fourty-one | plan

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A/n: back to Y/n's POV


A week passed. Jimin never talked to any of us, no matter how we tried to approach him.

It was killing me.

I was really worried about him, I didn't know what was going on with him. I didn't know if he ok, if he was healthy and doing mentally ok.

Well, it was obvious that something was up. But I didn't know what that was.

One day I decided that I would go to his house. Someone had to check up on him.

I rang the bell and waited but there was no response. I sighed and used the key I had to open the door.

Walking in, I searched the house and eventually went to his bedroom.

I heard the shower going so I went back downstairs and waited.

And waited.

But he didn't come out.

Starting to get worried now, I went back upstairs and heard the shower still going.

I knocked on the door and called out his name. "Jimin, you in there?" There was no response, making me even more worried.

"Jimin?" I said a bit louder this time.

"...Yeah?" I sighed in relief then said, "What are you doing there? It's been ages." "...Give me five minutes."

I sighed and went out of the room waiting for him. After 5 minutes like he said, he came out and walked out of the room and stopped looking at me with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, he had a sort of cold vibe. "I was worried about you" He sighed then said, "I'm fine, so you can go now."

He turned around but I stepped forward and held into his wrist.

He sighed and turned around, staring at me with blank look. "What?" he asked coldly. "...Why did you spend so long in there?" "...I like having long showers lately."

He pulled his wrist free and said, "Now go." I sighed then asked, "Are you going to keep pushing us away?"

He kept silent, still staring at me with a blank look. "Just tell me why, so I can understand..." "No."

He turned around and walked into his room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

I sighed and stayed there for a while, before eventually deciding to leave.

I walked to Taehyung's house. We needed a plan of some sorts.

I rang the bell and a minute later the door opened to reveal a tired looking Taehyung.

"...Whoa... did you not get any sleep?" "Nope." He sighed then asked, "What is it?" "What else? It's about Jimin."

He nodded, stepping aside letting me in.

"I was gonna make some ramen before you came, you want some?" "Yeah, sure."

He put some water in the kettle and prepared the ramen cups whilst the water boiled.

I settled down on the counter and sighed.

"I just went to Jimin's... but he closed himself off almost straight away."

"I'm seriously worried about him..." "Me too" I sighed then said, "But what can we do? He's avoiding everyone."

He poured the hot water into the cups then turned to face me.

"You're the closest with him..." "But you know what's it's like with us two since... you know." "Well... he needs a distraction."

"...Huh?" "A distraction. Something else to think about other than what he's going through." "...As in..?" "Love."

"...What?" "You like him, and there's a 50% chance that he likes you too... it's worth a try."

"I don't know Taehyung..." "It'll help him... he's alone all the time, so he has a lot of time to think about things right now. He could be going crazy right now, and we wouldn't know."

I kept silent then he picked one of the ramen cups up and handed it over to me.

"Try it... it's the only thing I can come up with right now."

I looked up at him and sighed a few seconds later. I nodded and took the ramen cup off him.

"Ok... I'll try it."

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