fourty-four | ending it pt.3

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Taehyung ran over, picking up Jimin and taking him out of the water and laying him down on the bathroom floor.

"JIMIN! WAKE UP!" he shook the older desperately, but he wouldn't wake up.

Taehyung leaned closer, putting his ear close to him to check if he was breathing.

And he wasn't.

Panicking, he quickly checked his pulse and luckily he had one.

" CPR... I'll call the ambulance!" He ran out and I went closer to Jimin, putting my hands against his chest and pressing down.

Multiple times.

But it didn't work.

Desperately, I pinched his nose and smashed my lips against his, giving him air that way.

But it still didn't work.

I put my hands on his chest again, pressing down desperately.

"Wake up... p... please!"

Suddenly his eyes snapped open, and he started coughing out water.

I quickly turned him to the side, as he kept on coughing.

After he stopped he snapped his head to look at me with tear filled eyes.

"Why... why did you save me?!" "What? Why did you try to kill yourself?! Jimin-!"

Jimin got up and rushed over somewhere, I only realised a few seconds later what he was doing.

He was going to cut himself.

"STOP JIMIN!" I grabbed his wrist but he pulled it free harshly and pushed me away, making me fall onto the floor.

He put the blade to his wrist...

But before he could do anything, it was snatched off him.

It was Taehyung.

He threw it to the other side of the room and Jimin looked up, ready to start yelling.

But what happened next snapped him back into his senses.

Taehyung slapped him. Hard. Right across his cheek.

The loud echo filled the room, and I widened my eyes even more staring at the two.

"What the hell are you doing?! We're trying to save you for gods sake so why are you doing this?!"

The older kept silent, staring down at the floor with tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"You can't do this! You know it's wrong, so why?!"

Silence filled the room.

I didn't get up, I was still processing what was happening.

"...What about us?"

Jimin parted his lips, not having the courage to look up. He felt more ashamed then ever. He had went full on crazy, he tried to kill himself three times by now in the past half an hour.

"What about us..." Taehyung sobbed and to Jimin's absolute surprise, he pulled the older into a tight hug.

Jimin just stood there shocked, with eyes as wide as a deer's in headlights.

"I'd never be able to live with myself if you just died like that... please... don't think about doing it again... I beg you..."

Jimin just stood there, too fazed to do anything.

They stayed like that for a minute, before Jimin slowly brought him arms up and wrapped them around the younger, letting the tears fall down his cheeks and onto Taehyung's shoulder.

"I won't..." he said, it barely coming out as a whisper. But Taehyung heard it, and he hugged the older even tighter.

I closed my eyes, feeling relief flush over me.

It's over... he's safe now... and we're here for him.

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