twenty-one | broke down

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Jimin pulled back from the hug and stared at the ground. I could see tears in his eyes... did he hold them back..?

I held onto his wrist caressing it softly with my thumb, looking at him. "Hey... look at me." He shook his head his eyes tearing up even more.

I brought my hand up to his face, cupping his cheek and making him look at me.

His lips parted and he stared at me with teary eyes. I realised that he probably wasn't in the mood to talk... so I decided to just be there for him.

"Do you want to sleep? Are you tired?" "...I'm hungry and tired..." he said, taking me by surprise but I hid it. Yeah, he would feel hungry but he would never admit it because he could never eat.

"Do you want to eat a little then sleep then?" He nodded and I smiled, leading him downstairs.

He stood there leaning against the counter as I got out something light for him to eat. "Here" I said handing him a cookie. He stated at it confused and I shrugged. "It's the only think you really have."

He took it without a word and ate it all, before going to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. He gulloped it all down and I widened my eyes going to his side.

"Slow down you'll choke..." He put down the bottle and let out a choked sob, my heart clenched.

"What is it..?" I asked turning him around to face me gently. His head was down, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I cupped his cheeks with my hands, wiping his tears away. "You can tell me... and you'll feel better." "...I... I don't know why I'm like t... this...." he sobbed and I looked into his eyes even though he was looking down.

"I j... just broke down... I... I don't know why b... but I just want to die..." I widened my eyes and made him look at me. "Don't say that... don't even think that. You'll be ok. Try to sleep it off now, hm?"

He nodded biting his lip and I Ied him upstairs, helping him lay down on his bed and tucking him in. I then stopped. "Do you want me to stay here?" He nodded looking elsewhere so I layed down next to him, getting under the blanket and hugging him.

"Just sleep... forget about everything. Count some sheep or something, just sleep." I heard a quiet chuckle and I smiled.

After a minute I heard soft snores and I leaned back to see him, eyes closed and a soft smile on his lips.

I caressed his cheek gently as I stared at him.

He's so beautiful... why would he want to harm his precious self?

I really miss the old him. Cheeky, bubbly, cuddly, he's changed so much. But sometimes I can still see his old self... I can get him to smile and laugh like old times. That shows that people really never change.

His happy, bubbly self will come back, however long it takes. A month, a year... I don't know. I just know that it will happen.


Aye you realised that Y/n is slowly starting to develop feelings for him? The way she stares at him and she even called him beautiful in this chapter 🤧🤧🤧

excuse meh I'm an emotional mess rn cause of da hella time of da month... and listening to Wonho's album ain't helping 😭 I've listened to Losing You at least twenty times, I was even sobbing whilst doing work, glad my mum didn't walk in the room 😅

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