nineteen | found out

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We reached Jimin's house but Taehyung grabbed my arm all of a sudden stopping me.

"What?" "Jungkook" I looked where he was looking and saw Jungkook walking face glued to his phone.

"Jungkook would freak out and most likely cry if it's true... I'll take him somewhere, you go. Here." He handed me some keys and I was about to ask where on earth he got it from but he was already running off.

He swung an arm around Jungkook's shoulder turning him around. "Hey, Kook. What you doing here?" "...I was gonna check on Jimin hyung... he's really quiet lately."

"I talked to him, he's just having a little bit of a hard time. He said it's getting better though. Don't worry Kook." "Ok but can't we-" "He wants to be alone, let's just go somewhere." "O-ok..."

I unlocked the door and walked in, looking around for Jimin. "Jimin?!" He didn't seem to be in the living room or kitchen so I decided to check his bedroom.

I opened the door and Jimin jumped beside the bed, the opposite side where I couldn't see the lower half of his body.

"How did you get in here?!" he yelled with widened eyes. I started walking over and he backed up, widening his eyes even more.

"I... I was changing, don't come!" I walked around the bed and he brought his legs up to his chest. "I said g... go!"

I looked at his legs, and even though he was wearing shorts I could make out a few cuts. My worst thoughts were right...

"Y...Y/n..." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up, making him sit on the bed. I widened my eyes when I saw how many cuts and scars there were.

Jimin clenched his fists grabbing onto the bed sheets and he looked away biting his lip to stop himself from breaking down.

I didn't know what to say. But my eyes were slowly tearing up. I sat next to him and just stared at the cuts on his thighs.

I knew he hated himself a lot... but it was to this extent? That he would make these marks on himself?

I then thought of something. Getting hold of his wrist slowly and gently, I brought it closer to me and pulled his sleeve down.

But there were no marks.

I then saw a tear drop onto Jimin's leg so I looked up him.

He was looking down, biting his lip with teary eyes.

I put his arm back down on the bed and squeezed his hand lightly.

He let out a muffled sob and it clenched my heart.

"Jimin look at me..." He shook his head crying.

I cupped one of his cheeks with my hand and made him look at me, but he looked away almost straight away.

"Since when have you been doing this?" I asked wiping a tear away as it rolled down his cheek.

"A few months..." he said quietly in a sad voice.

"...Why?" He bit his lip and stayed quiet. "Jimin..." I caressed his cheek softly and he finally looked at me.

We locked eyes, both our eyes teary. He seemed a little taken aback by this. "W... why are you crying?" "Why are you doing this to yourself... you deserve much better than what happened with you... doing this makes the pain much worse."

" helps... i... it..." he sighed and looked down. "I... I'm sorry... I knew it was wrong but I still did it..." "Jimin... please stop hurting yourself... you won't get better like this."

He kept silent and I made him look at me again with my hand that was on his cheek. "You'll get better... trust me in this." He stared into my eyes with an unreadable expression but then suddenly pulled me into a hug.

I was a little take aback but I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist when I heard a sob coming from him.

"...You'll get better.... I promise you. You trust me right?" He nodded into my shoulder and I brought my hand up and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"Good... let me help you, ok? Don't push me away, I care about you and hate seeing you like this... so get better soon, hm?" He cried hugging me tighter and I finally let the tears threatening to fall from my eyes fall, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

I hated this. I hated what Jimin had to go through and what happened because of it.

I'm determined to help him get better... he needs to. Before it's too late.

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